Convert MyISAM to InnoDB

Submitted by admin on
MyISAM and InnoDB is a storage engine of MySQL. If you have large databases and have lots of traffic on your website, you will probably encounter a CPU load problem due to table locking features of MyISAM. I created this article to share my problem on several website that I owned including Almost every day I am worried about the load that MySQL is generating on my server’s CPU

Simulating a Voice Aided Automated Teller Machine for the Blind

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
This is system that simulate an automated teller machine with a voice aided feature for a blind customer in a bank. On the click of a button number , a corresponding number sound is produce to assist the blind customer. Key Features of the system include login system, checking balance , setting atm pin, withdrawal. What you will learn from this project include text to speech,login system,select

Search query in Php

Submitted by jkev on
Search query in php is a simple php sourcecode enables you to search data in the table thier are two tables in the program one is a normalize table and other is not but they come out with same output.. Hope that this sourcecode will help you a lot.. thank you :P

Human Resource Information System

Submitted by nass on
After receiving a lot of emails and comments i decided to do this project,if you downloaded my last project ( Complete Student Information System) I used the same codes and steps as i did in previous project. BUT this one you also have to finish the remaining panels,what i did is to give you ideas and you can implement those ideas to develop your own system. Database password: humnaresource System

Improved and Still Simple Login and Logout using PHP

Submitted by jmmaguigad on
Try this out, this is still a Simple Login and Logout and Viewing of data in a database in PHP BUT it also stretch its scope to cookies. I've included cookie for educational purposes and for those who want to be educated about it. how to run it: 1. first you need to extract the 2. put the folder in the htdocs folder of your xammp folder. 3. import the sample.sql in your phpmyadmin. 4

Jenit's Screen Locker

Submitted by Jenit on
You may use this instead of Windows's Lock function because It occupies more amount of processing compared to this. It will make your screen locked until you enter the true password. It will send all the tasks behind until you unlock it... Even It will not allow you to End Task. Pin to Task bar and assign a shortcut. Password : jenitshah

How To Create Youtube like Rating Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by argie on
Hi everyone, this tutorial will teach you on how to create a youtube like rating or likes and dislikes rating using php and mysql. To start this tutorial lets follow the steps bellow to create this easy and nice code.

Step1: Create Our Database and its Table:

First step is to create our table in database to store the likes and dislikes votes. To create a database: 1. Open phpmyadmin 2. Click create table and name it as "database". 3.