Auto Entry Clipboard

Submitted by princenathan on
Hi This Application is Copy and Paste When you copy multiple items to the Office Clipboard, the last item that you copy is always copied to the system Clipboard. When you clear the Office Clipboard, the system Clipboard is also cleared. When you use the Paste command, the Paste button, or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V, you paste the contents of the system Clipboard, not the Office Clipboard.

Simple Calculator

Submitted by skywalker on
This is my simple calculator application for android mobile phone. It performs basic operations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction and division of two integers. Languages: Java and XML IDE: Eclipse - ADT Username: skywalker Password: skywalker123

Online Ordering System EDITED (Mamarias Pizza)

Submitted by bossmark2012 on
Online Ordering System EDITED (Mamarias Pizza) In this program you will know on how to create a complete online ordering system with online payment using PayPal.The system also you will learn on how to validate forms using javascript and how to embed Google map. Hope this code will help you. database name:mammamar_marias admin password:admin admin username:admin COURTESY OF SIR.ARGIE ,, EDITED BY

Facebook Developers Live Launched Video Channel

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading social media company, Facebook has launched a video channel to give developers a new way of accessing its tutorials, conferences and lots of information. The video channel, Facebook Developers Live is an addition to the Facebook Developers site that was established last 2007 and has over 1.1 Million likes. Some of the screen casts currently available on the site includes the