Form validator

Submitted by jkev on
Hi Guys this Form validator does not allow empty filed like textboxes, combo box, text Area, radio button this sourcecode is very helpful and easy to use just link the bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js and copy the html code and it’s done no more javascript to add thank you..

Upload File

Submitted by jkev on
Hello Guys This Upload File enables you to Upload files on php/mysql site server and saving on database instead of saving files into the database upload to the server and save file location on the database. This source may help you a Lot thank you. Database name: upload

Database Normalization of RC Charter Company Case Study

Submitted by admin on
This simple Visual Basic .NET 2010 source code is our project in Advanced Database Management System. This is based on the case study from the book "Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management" By Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, Peter Rob called "RC Charter Company". The important of this program is on how we normalize the database table. User: admin Pass: a


Submitted by srplanta on
I have already uploaded a previous version which had a lot of discrepancies. this is upgraded version with full support and installer. The only deficiency is "Find and Replace". explore the code and suggest any improvement please. Regards !

How to Program Java Through CodeSpells

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Java is considered as one of the most popular object-oriented computer programming language in the world. Learning the language takes a lot of time and effort but an idea started by Computer scientists at the University of California, aims to teach how to program Java in an easy way. The computers scientists at the UC, San Diego have developed an immersive, first-person player video game designed

Modified commercial management

Submitted by Jornesio Francisco on
added some detail in this code, you can generate report and print invoice printer atm generate bar code. You can also use bar code reader is ready to be used and improved. User data are encoded user can select different themes user Jornesio password 12345 this is an amended version posted here by jaysfall Portuguese language spoken acrescentou alguns detalhes neste código, você pode gerar o