How to Clear Inactive Memory in Linux

Submitted by admin on
This simple tip is based on my experience on how to tweak MySQL Server for best performance. Just this year, has moved again to a new server to served millions of page views every month. Since our new server is unmanaged, I am having a hard time sometimes configuring our new server, especially when tweaking Nginx, PHP-FPM and MySQL. By default, MySQL will give you a sample

Students Rank Problem

Submitted by chegekim on
I am not good in programming but i have a passion for it. I am creating a Exam Grading system in VB 6.0 with MS Access as back end. I have a problem here: I have 2 tables in MS Access (tblGrades and tmpGrades) with fields StdRegno, Term, ExamType, AvgScore, AvgGrade. I would like to extract the positions using AvgScore but i don't know how to handle a tie (Where students have same average score) such that after say two students in number 2 tie, then the next number will be Position 4 (i.e 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Open Source Computer By Intel Hits The Shops

Submitted by Saad Arif on
So far we have only heard and used open source programming tools but this time, Intel has come up with an exciting idea to make and introduce the first ever open source computer called Galileo. If you are one of those people who like to get their hands on something that is nothing but tools and want to build something cool out of it then Galileo is a gold mine for you. The PC World reported that

Simple Add, Update, Delete, Display and Search 2012

Submitted by roelzkie.delos… on
I have created a simple program that can add, update, delete, display and search MS Access database. It only contains a single form and a module. Hope this could be a good example. This program also provide code for Dragging the form with borderstyle set to none. No password covered in this program.

Students Activities and Grades Information System send via SMS

Submitted by joken on
This is a complete System for student Activities and Grades Information System send via SMS. System features: • Adding of New Student, update and delete information of a specific student. • Student grades are automatically computed • The registrar can send the Grades to all students • The Supreme Student Government can send the different activities through SMS • Add new activities, update and

ListBox control

Submitted by joken on
A Listbox control allows user to select a single element or an item from a list. And it allows the programmer to add an item(s) at design time or at runtime. This time,open visual basic and create a new application and save it as “listboxcontrol”. Then add a listbox from the toolbox, and it should look like as shown below. Then we can populate the listbox using the window properties. Here’s the following steps 1. Select listbox control 2. Go to the properties window 3.

The Need Of Computer Sight To Make Smart Homes Really Smart

Submitted by Saad Arif on
Today, a lot of homes are using computer enabled security systems. Not only you can use computer technology programmed in an appropriate way to monitor your home and its security but you can do many other things do. With help of a computer monitoring system and a remote control, you can turn on/ off all the electrical appliances in your home. However, there is something that is still missing. The

Job Ordering System

Submitted by joken on
This system is created using Visual studio 2008 and MS access for database support. The has many features and this feature will discuss on how to use the system. How to use Job Ordering System •When you first run the job order program, the main menu of job ordering system will show before the user log in. •The next form is the log in form that display when the user click the log in menu on the