Hospital System (JAVA GUI)

Submitted by Seshele on
This was given as an assignment when i was on 2nd year. Its aim was to implement or get use to the components of GUI in Java whereby I have tried as much as I can to ensure that everything is include. It includes Font text change(e.g italic, bold) as well as printing in the form of table.This made me aware of something that i can't realized, that i have got this kind of gift. Its a simple thing

Parking System

Submitted by Claudisnei on
System to control parking space Simple but functional with Paradox database. great system for administering a small parking. Control for hours or days and search by vehicle plate. Can charge the cervico lavagen Vehicle. Complete system and parking tiket printout of payment.

Advanced Hostel Management System v2.0 (VB.NET + MS Access)

Submitted by Raj.Sharma on
It’s an advanced Hostel Management System Project for multiple hostels management written in VB.Net as front end and MS Access 2010 as Back end. Main Features are: Hostelers Profile Entry Extra Services Entry Services Entry Allocation and De-Allocation Extend Agreement Change Hostel and Change room within same hostel Transaction Transaction Entry Purchased Inventory Payment Voucher Caution Money

Sales and Inventory System (Gadgets Shop) *UPDATED*

Submitted by Raj.Sharma on
This Sales and Inventory System for Gadgets shop is developed using C#.NET 4.0(Compatibility - Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012) and using MS Access 2010 database in the back end Main Features are: 1. Customers Profile 2. Billing 3. Inventory Management 4. Invoice Generation 5. Advance Records Searching 6. Advance Reports *Use Case diagram, ER Diagram and DFD are added in a zip file*


Submitted by joken on
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to use constants. In the real world, there lots of value that never changes like a Day it is always a 24 hour, and a sqaure has always four equal sides. This value remains constant. It refers to a fixed value that the program may not alter during its execution. The constants are just like regular variables except that their values cannot bit modified after their definition.

Constants Declaration

To declare constant using visual basic, use “Const” statement.

Easy Gmail Sender

Submitted by cngirwa on
Easy Gmail Sender enable you to send emails from your gmail account easily and fast. You can add carbon copy also attachment. The word formatting tools are not working properly, i will fix them in the next update. Please if you have any comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to leave me a message. For any question, please contact me via email or sourcecodester message modules. Please fill free to