Meme Generator with Reddit Download Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Meme Generator with Reddit Download, a playful web application designed to bring a constant stream of delightful memes right to your screen. This project leverages the Reddit API to fetch and display wholesome memes, allowing you to effortlessly generate and download your favorite meme images. With a sleek and responsive design, the application ensures an enjoyable experience across

Abacus Calculator App in HTML&CSS in JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Abacus Calculator App in HTML&CSS in JavaScript with Source Code - An abacus calculator coded in JavaScript, where you can calculate numbers. This project visualizes the real function of an abacus calculator, where you move the beads to perform calculations. JavaScript Source Code.

Discover Reasons Why You Should Use Private Proxies

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Private proxy servers have become common in today's IT world. It is known to shield the users by allowing them to security and privacy when browsing. For this reason, they have become common for big companies and even private individuals. They hide the users' IP addresses from the websites they visit. There are numerous reasons why one should use private proxies. Some of them are discussed below

Flappy Bird Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Flappy Bird Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code - A clone game application coded purely in JavaScript with the same mechanics. The game is very similar to the original, where the objective is to avoid colliding with any pipes to achieve a higher score. JavaScript Source Code

Chrome Dinosaur Game Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Chrome Dinosaur Game, a web-based recreation of the beloved offline game found in the Google Chrome browser. This project is designed to showcase the power and versatility of fundamental web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By combining these technologies, we've created an interactive and engaging game that not only entertains but also provides a practical example of how to

Analyzing the Algorithms: The Math Behind Online Blackjack

Submitted by oretnom23 on
The worlԁ of online gаmbling is mаssive. Effeсtively, every gаme you сoulԁ рlаy аt а саsino is now аvаilаble to рlаy online. One of the most рoрulаr of these is Blасkjасk. Its аррeаl lies in its blenԁ of luсk, strаtegy аnԁ, most imрortаntly, mаth. This аrtiсle ԁelves into the fаsсinаting worlԁ of online Blасkjасk, foсusing on the аlgorithms аnԁ mаthemаtiсаl рrinсiрles thаt рower the gаme. By