Pepsi Bottle Inventory System

Submitted by joken on
This is a complete Bottle Inventory System made by the graduate students as their requirements in Capstone subject. And this system is created using Visual Basic 2008 and Microsoft Access 2007 for database. Here is the list of features available in this system: • User Login And Logout System • Data entry for new Incoming Products • Update the current products • Monitoring of In and Out

TextBox Control

Submitted by joken on
One of the most common control used in visual basic is a text box. The main purpose of textbox is that, it allows user to input text information to be used by the program. By default, text box takes a single line of text. But using visual basic, you can set the property to accept a multiple line of text and even with a scroll bar. This time, open visual basic and create a new project called “Textbox”. Then drag a six text box and six label from the toolbox.

Internet Based Ticketing System

Submitted by flawless on
ABOUT THIS APPLICATION This application is designed to eliminate the disadvantage of using conventional means of issuing ticket and seat reservation encountered by passengers as well as record keeping. Thereby allowing intending to purchase ticket and seat reservation online anywhere at any giving time. This application will reduce stress of passengers in purchasing the manual ticketing and will

PHP Functions

Submitted by admin on
Functions play an important role in any programming languages. It allows you to organize your code in smaller part. A function can be called repeatedly in your program and can return or not return any value.

CMOS Password Breaker/Recovery

CMOS Password Breaker Is a useful Utility. This is a helpful utility for those person who forgot their cmos password. This programm can break all the cmos password stored in cmos battery (SUPERVISOR Password and USER Password). NOTE: When you break cmos password by using this, then next time when you boot your computer then at startup cmos shows checksum error and restore defaults. IT IS NORMAL.

Advance Login Form using C# and SQL

Submitted by Hasan soherwardi on
Advance login form in C#.NET 2010 and SQL 2008. This tutorial for you to learn how to make an advance login in C#.NET. It is for beginners only. In this tutorial: New user registration Forget password Change user info Change password And removing the user. I hope this tutorial is very helpfull to beginners. So download it, learn and enjoy programming. If you want some another help, then join me on

Add/Delete/Insert/Update Java Netbeans and SQL Database Program

Submitted by Josphatwa on
This is a simple program to add, delete, search and update data in a jtable database. To run the program just open your server and create database called hostel and go to dist folder in the zip and run the compiled jar file. for more information contact me [email protected].

Sub Procedures

Submitted by joken on
In Visual Basic, there are many cases that we use “subs”. Sub procedure or a subroutine that does not return a value. It is commonly used piece of code which you will want to execute in various places in your program. Using this subroutine, you can minimize your code and find it easy to debug if something went wrong with your program.