Chat System Using PHP/MySQL with PDO Query and Ajax

Submitted by argie on
This Chat System will help you, specially to thus programmer who are building their own social networking site. This chat system is very easy to implement, risk free to install. This chat application includes ajax post and load messages, this chat save and load your message without loading the page content. In short this chat content looks like the Facebook chat, the last conversation start at the

Iteration Statement in C# Language

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In this tutorial, we will show you how to use some type of loops in C# language to control the flow of program.

Let's go

In many cases you want to repeat a piece of code multiple times. When you want to repeat code, C# language provides you a number of iteration statements. Iteration statements can execute a block of code zero or more times. Each execution of code is a single iteration.

While statement

How to Create Login Page in PHP/MySQL using PDO Query

Submitted by argie on
Yesterday I posted a tutorial on how to create a registration page using PHP/MySQL with PDO Query. To make some follow up with my registration page tutorial, I decided to create another tutorial on how to create a login page using PHP/MySQL with PDO Query Also. in this tutorial you will also learn how to use php server side validation and how to add filter in PDO Query. Username: admin Password: admin To start this tutorial let’s follow the steps bellow.

Creating Our Database

First we are going to create our database which stores our data. To create a database: 1.

Selection Statement in C# Language

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In programming language, selection statement is very important. With selection statement, you can control the flow of program, and produce a valid output. This section will guide you how to use some selection statements in basic.

Let's go

Selection statement enable you to execute specific blocks of code based on the results of a condition. Here we have two basic selection statement: If statement and switch statement.

If statement

Photo Gallery (Edited, with Login and Upload)

Submitted by christophersantos11 on
The Gallery and Upload is Coded by argie.. the Photo Gallery w/jQuery and Image Upload.. i combine that two and with user login/no need database for account.. to upload or add image in your index or gallery.. Link: upload.php to edit your user and pass,,you can edit in login.php default account: User: admin Pass: cris2per database: photos.sql Login Page, Coded by me... hope it helps.. for any

Bantas Programming Language

Submitted by muthym on
An interpreted, linear, text-mode and stack-based semi-esoteric programming language written in Rapid-Q. It consists of punction marks as commands. Inspired by Blank programming language. I wrote this for fun and can be used as logic game for students. This is not intended for serious programming. I still have lot of things to do in this language. I'm releasing this as closed-source but sooner i will make this as open-source. I need to gather feedbacks as my basis to improve the program. The life of this program depends on my motivation and time. So far, the only word in my mind is FUN.

How to Create Registration Page in PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query

Submitted by argie on
This is a simple tutorial that will teach you on how to create a simple registration form using PHP/MySQL using PDO Query and server-side error validation. This tutorial will not teach you on how to create a good design but rather to give you knowledge on how to create a fully functional registration form. This tutorial is different from my previous registration page tutorial. To find out what's the difference, follow the steps bellow

Creating Our Database

First we are going to create our database which stores our data. To create a database: 1. Open phpmyadmin 2.

Converting Data Types in C# Language

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This tutorial will explain you to understand how and why a conversion of data type occur in C#. Understanding the conversion will help you to avoid error and lose data when operation happen.

Let's go

When you copy a value from one variable to another variable, a conversion must occur. Also when you want to do a operation on two difference data types, a conversion might also need occur. There are two types of conversion: implicit and explicit conversion.

Implicit Conversion