Data Entry With Picture Uploads and Pagination

Submitted by GeePee on

This is a simple project which features data entry, picture uploads, and pagination. In this project, you will be able to learn how to upload pictures and input data, store each data into the database, and navigate through all stored entries. This is best for profile page of a site or of a certain system. I hope this helps.

Creating User Account Information in Java - Searching Records to Database

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a continuation of my last tutorials entitled Creating User Account Information in Java - Adding Records to Database. So, in this tutorial we will create a function button that provides searching of records in the access database. Now let's start this tutorial! :) 1.

Text Effects in Visual Basic 2008.. (Reflect)

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will teach you how to put an effect in the text using Visual Basic 2008. In here, I use the reflected text for the effect. It reflects any kind of text that you will type at the bottom and you can also change its font size. Others may think that reflected text is just easy to do. But, they were wrong. You have to take a closer look at each codes and calculate everything to make it accurate. Let’s begin: Open Visual Basic 2008, create a new Windows Application and drag a PictureBox, a TextBox, a ComboBox and a NumericUpDown.

Creating User Account Information in Java - Adding Records to Database

Submitted by donbermoy on
Good day! This tutorial will focus on creating a user account information in java particularly in adding records to the database. Now let's start this tutorial! :) 1. Create your database in ms access and named it sample.mdb with Login table and the following entities below. design design 2. Create your java program now named 3.

Byte Converter using VB6.0

Submitted by donbermoy on
Here in this tutorial, we will create a program that convert bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes to their corresponding bytes cases. We all know that 1 byte is equal to 8 bits and 1 kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes. So that is the formula that we will going to use in this tutorial. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.Let's start this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: Open Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, click Choose Standard EXE, and click Open. 2.

Validating a TextBox Using an Error Provider in Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
Today, I will teach you how to validate a Textbox using an ErrorProvider in Visual Basic 2008. With this, you will know what are the inputs you are going to put in the textbox and it will notify you whatever errors that you might encounter. Let’s begin: Open Visual Basic 2008 and create a new windows application. Drag the two TextBoxes, a Button and an Error Provider in the Form.

Change Case: Uppercase and Lowercase for VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
Due to the complexity of our code, sometimes we often forget those basics in programming. Here, in this tutorial i will teach you how to change case either uppercase or lowercase letters using Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

Android Quiz/Test App with High Scores v1.2

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is an app that I have created using Basic4Android as frontend and SQLite as backend. This Quiz/Test app is used for educational game application that benefits children to learn. This app features test application category using spinner control, text-to-speech application, player information with score that is saved in the database, and high scores view intended for inquiry of highest scores of this application.