How to Create a Simple NotifyIcon in Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a simple NotifyIcon by using Visual Basic 2008. This NotifyIcon contains the system information that allows you to know the current date and the kind of operating system (OS) that you are using. So let’s begin: Open Visual Basic 2008 and create a new Windows Application. Drag a “ContextMenuStrip”, ”NotifyIcon”, ”Button” and “Label”.

Multiple Forms in C#

Submitted by joken on
This tutorial, you will learn how to create a program that will use mulitple forms. Basically, many programmers have many forms that are accessible from the main form that loads at start up. At this time, we’re ging to create a very simple application that has a single button. And hen this button is clicked, it loads the log in form. And this form looks like as shown below. f1 Next, we’re going to add another form.

Timer in Visual Basic

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a timer in Visual Basic. Threads: Te first thing you must know about this tutorial is how to use threads. Threads are essentially processes which run certain parts of your programs code, the main thread handles the design of your form as well as the code of your form, therefore, when you have a lot of long-running code, your UI will freeze.