Move Line in Java using Swing Components, JPanel, JFrame and Graphics

Submitted by Mzweh on
Move Line in java using swing components, JPanel,JFrame and Graphics. This is a Java small program that I created on jGRASP but it is possible to open it on Notepad++, notepad, jCreator and other softwares for java. Move Line either left or right by clicking on the respective button or direction key on keyboard. The display consists of two JPanels in a JFrame, arranged using BorderLayout. The top

Save Items from TextBox to ListView in C#

Submitted by Mzweh on
Save items from textbox to listView in c#. This is a small tutorial it will show you how to save items from textbox to rich text listView. Here I have four buttons. 1. Savebtn 2. Updatbtn 3. Addnewbtn 4. Cancelbtn All these buttons are working correct what you must do just download the file and debug it on your computer. It a simple program. It was of the questions on my assignment. If you have

Introduction to 2 Dimensional Arrays

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on

2 Dimensional Arrays

In this part you will learn: 1. C syntax 2. 2D arrays 3. Nested for loops 4. Showing output In this tutorial I will teach you about 2D arrays. 2D arrays can be called array of arrays. First we had a single array that was in just one single dimension and we accessed its elements by writing the index in the subscript. In 2d arrays we have arrays that go in both direction.

Disable Right Click, Copy And Paste Using Javascript

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to disable right click, copy and paste. We can use this codes in preventing the users doing unwanted things on our page. It can protect your page content from being copied. I used my previous project Auto Scroll as an example. The right click are being disabled and there's no way the users can copy and paste the page content. Hope you learn from this.

Text to Speech Using Google Speech API

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to create a text to speech using the google speech API. This is simple and easy. All we have to do is pass the text in google speech api and save it as an mp3. Then play the audio file using a player. In my example, I used html5 player. You can use whatever player you want to use. Hope you learn from this.

Introduction to Arrays

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on

Introduction to Arrays

In this part you will learn: 1. C syntax 2. Arrays 3. Showing output In this tutorial I will teach you about Arrays. Arrays are of extreme importance and use in C. Arrays are used when you want to create many variables of the same data type. Like if you want to note the grades of 100 students in a class you cannot take hundred character variables. It will be very lengthy and a not very good code. For this thing we use array. What we do is we just create an array of 100 spaces of character type.

Creating Shapes in CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to create a different shapes using CSS. We can create shapes in our web page without including images. This is simple but very useful. This is for the newbie in programming. I have here an example of triangles(left, right, up, bottom), circle, quarter circle and half circle. Hope you learn from this.