Learn Object Oriented Programming in C++

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on
This book sheds light on the basic concepts of object oriented programming in C++. The main aim of this book is to provide these concepts in an easy to understand way, so that programming students can learn and reinforce their concepts related to object oriented programming. The book uses illustrated examples which will help students understand, how to apply the concepts they have learned in this book, in real programming practices. In this book you will learn the core concepts of object oriented programming which includes classes, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.

Folded Corner Effect in CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
This project is cool and simple for a web design. We can use it in our comment box or other part or your page you think this effect suits best. What we need in order to create a folded corner is set the border-with, border-style and border-color property. It's up to you how you will design this box or what color you will be using. You can also add some box-shadows to enhance the appearance of a

Expand/Retract Box Animation in Javascript

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to animate expand and retract box using javascript. You can also do this in jQuery plugin by using toggle slide. But here in my example I used raw javascript code. This is simple and easy to do with just a few lines of code. It expands the box according to it's content height. Hope you learn from this project.

How To Feed Mysql Data Into Google Map

Submitted by thusitcp on
Modem day client server applications support lot of mobile device platform so real time GPS data will be collect most of the applications. Projection of collected data visualized on GIS applications has big trend these types of applications. In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to visualize data on google map using mysql databases. For a tutorial I am going to create online event

How to Handle Mouse Even in Javascript Part 1

Submitted by thusitcp on
Most common way users interact with the computer is by using pointing device called mouse. This wonderful device help graters amount of improvement usability of computer applications. Today’s all the computer language support mouse events. In this article I am going to explain how to handle mouse event using JavaScript. When we consider JavaScript event there are number of mouse event but here I

How to Handle File With PHP

Submitted by thusitcp on
In this tutorial you will be learn how to read/ write / append files using php. There are some situations you don’t need store all the information inside databases. Most cases databases applications are not 100% satisfy with the software requirement to maintaining data. Situation like maintaining error log configuration files etc.. Maintaining file are the oldest method of storing data in computer

Getting Started With Object Oriented Programming

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on
In this part you will learn: 1. Why we need Object Oriented Programming approach? 2. Classes 3. Access specifiers 4. First program using Classes 5. Dot operator 6. Showing output Why we need Object Oriented Programming approach? As we have already learned in c how to perform different operations and process information, using that ways we can write small programs but if we are writing programs for very large projects this approach isn’t really a good one.