Changing Image Source in Javascript

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach how to change image source using basic javascript code. onClick event, image will automatically change. Here's the full code. var img_tracker = 'chrome'; function changeImg(){ var image = document.getElementById('browser'); if(img_tracker == 'chrome'){ image.src = 'images/firefox.jpg'; img_tracker = 'firefox'; }else{ image.src = 'images/chrome.jpg'; img_tracker = 'chrome';

Constructor and Destructor

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on

Constructor and Destructor

In this part you will learn: 1. What are Constructor and Destructor? 2. Types of Constructor 3. Syntax of Constructor and Destructor 4. Writing program with constructor and destructor 5. Showing output Constructor Constructor is a function of the class which is called at initialization or declaration of an object. To initialize values to the members of the function we use this function.

LINQ With Data Source ( MSSQL To LINQ )

Submitted by thusitcp on
My previous tutorial I have described basic of LINQ and how to dealing with XML files. In this tutorial I am going to explain you how to deal with rational data sources. In this tutorial you will be understand how does LINQ help us dealing with non-object oriented data structures like dealing with rational data. Here we are going to connect SQL Server database and going to create SQL to LINQ data

Setters And Getters

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on

Setters and Getters

In this part you will learn: 1. What are setters and getters? 2. Why we need setters and getters? 3. Program using setters and getters 4. Showing output What are Setters and Getters? As the name suggests, setters are functions used to set values whereas getters are used to get values. Setters and getters functions are usually public data members of the class. Setters and getters are used for private or protected member variables.

Simple Tooltip in CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to create a simple tooltip using raw css code. When image is hover, the car model will immediately appear on each image. Feel free to edit or do what you want in this project. You can position your tooltip anywhere in the image by setting up the margin property. Hope you learn from this project.

Introduction to LINQ With C#

Submitted by thusitcp on
Introduction to LINQ Integrating data queries into c# has been a goal for years. Microsoft put lot of effort to such a goal over the years. At lat outcome is LINQ (Language Integrated Queries). Using LINQ we can specify what object we want without knowing the type of data source. There are two type of method usage in LINQ. Static method represents the query operators and anonymous method specifies

More About Access Specifiers

Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on
In this part you will learn: 1. Types of access specifier 2. Different uses of different access specifiers 3. Using access specifiers in Code Types of Access Specifiers As we have discussed earlier, there are three types of access specifier we use in c++ which are given below. • Private • Public • Protected Private This is the access specifier which is set as default. i.e when the programmer doesn't give the access specifier. C++ considers it as a private.

How To Create WCF Service

Submitted by thusitcp on
Introduction In this tutorial you are going to learn WCF one of the key features of Visual Studio. WCF stand for windows communication foundation. WCF is one of powerful introduction of .net framework and provide grate solutions for space left by the web services. Using WCF we can build secure, reliable, transacted solutions that integrate across platforms. Building a distributed system is a very