Text To Speech Application in Android Eclipse (Pronunciation Made Easy App)

Submitted by donbermoy on
This Android application entitled Pronunciation Made Easy was programmed by my younger brother as his project for their mobile application development subject. This application aims to help individuals who have difficulties or questions on how to pronounce certain words properly wherein the user may input words he wanted to know the correct pronunciation.

Online Car Parking Reservation

Submitted by velmaxtechnologies on
KSII Town Online Car Parking Reservation System is a system developed using HTML, CSS, PHP, MySql and javascript. It has client area with secure login enables one to reserve a parking lot/space online. With admin you can access all transaction, view parking history, clear parking lots, add streets and parking lots, freeze a user, assign duties and more. I developed this project for a University

Simple Dropdown Menu Using Javascript and CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial we’re going to create a simple drop-down list using javascript and css. This element or sometimes refers as “widget” or “control” same with a listbox, which allows the user to select one value from a list. Drop-down list or menu provides a hierarchical overview of the subsections contained within the menu item that spawned it. All the subsections within a section of a site when you hover your mouse cursor over it.

JavaScript 5 Seconds Countdown

Submitted by GeePee on
This code will allow you to add a 5 seconds countdown to the download page of your site. Depending on how you code your download page, the following will simply add a label within your body tag as: "Download will start in 5 seconds" Controlled by JavaScript using the span tag. This is similar to the site at sourceforge.net. When you download something on that site, you will be redirected to another page and give you a countdown before you receive the file. Here's the full code for you to play with.

[BBC iPlayer] File Version Checker in Visual Basic #1 Design, Imports and GetSource Function

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create an update checker tool. Note; this is not a software/application self updating feature, this is to check whether there are new versions of another program/video/audio file ready to view. Purpose: I am going to be making this program for BBC iPlayer so I can check if there are new episodes of certain TV Shows I watch.

Creating an File Update Checker Tool #2 Versions

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create an update checker tool. Note; this is not a software/application self updating feature, this is to check whether there are new versions of another program/video/audio file ready to view. Purpose: I am going to be making this program for BBC iPlayer so I can check if there are new episodes of certain TV Shows I watch.

Stripe Payment Gateway

Submitted by saurabhk on
This project is used to integrate Stripe payment gateway in Android. Stripe is created in Java library for Android allowing you to easily submit payments from the platform. We support Android back to version 4, and the library has no external dependencies. Installation First download the stripe-android libraries. Be sure you've installed the Android SDK with API Level 17 and android-support-v4