PHP Operational Trail

Submitted by GeePee on
In this lesson we will tackle about the operation of the server to process PHP code. I will show the diagram first then I’l explain after. operational_trail This has actually happened when you ask for the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in your browser before you get back your HTML return back to you. So we have our browser and the web server and its called apache.


Submitted by Erick_Ny on
Clipboard in java. Try this project and you will enjoy learning using this programming language. The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6- locate the project folder then click ok/finish If you find my code useful


Submitted by Erick_Ny on
Splashscreen in java. This is usually used as a start up of any system. It looks like a introduction of a system or maybe showing that the system is loading and is starting. The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6


Submitted by Erick_Ny on
Notepad in java. Just like the other features of notepad, the user can save and edit text files. The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6- locate the project folder then click ok/finish If you find my code useful, send

Reverse a string

Submitted by Erick_Ny on
This tutorial will teach you how to reverse a string in java . The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6- locate the project folder then click ok/finish If you find my code useful, send me an email at: ainaerik@

Hashing and Salting

Submitted by Erick_Ny on
This tutorial will teach you how to secure password with md5 and sha1 in java . The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6- locate the project folder then click ok/finish If you find my code useful, send me an email at

Displaying Digital and Analog Clock in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
Today, I will teach you how to create and display the digital and analog time. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Next, add two radioButtons named rbDigital and rbanalog. Insert also a timer named Timer1, add a label named Label2, and a webbrowser named WebBrowser1.

How to use for Loop Structure

Submitted by GeePee on
The following java program application uses a for Looping Structure. The initial statement, loop condition, and update statement are enclosed within parenthesis and control the body of the for statement. Note that the for loop control statements are separated by semicolons and that the body of a for loop can have either a simple or compound statement. .

DateTimePicker Using Twitter Bootstrap

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, I'm going to show how to use the datetime picker using bootstrap framework. Datetime picker, allows user to select Day, Month and Year as well as the time picking for Hour and Minute. This time lets start building this project. But before this, make sure you have already downloaded the bootstrap-datepicker. Next, let’s create an html file. And will save it as “index.html” inside datepicker folder in our localserver.