Methods and Constructors

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome, this tutorial will teach you about Constructors and Methods in Java. What is a 'Method'? A method is a block of script which performs for a purpose. The use of methods is to avoid re-writing the same scripts over and over again because instead, you are able to use the same method every time you need to run that particular script. Methods normally return a value once ran but can run without returning anything. Methods can be custom created by the programmer or they can be built in to Java...


Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: Welcome to `Basic Syntax` for Java beginners. This tutorial will teach you the correct format your code should be in as well as what some syntax related errors mean and how they may occur. What is Syntax: Syntax is the arrangement or format of your code. The way your code is laid out will not generally affect the performance of your program.

Getting Started

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial will help you get started with developing your own Java applications from scratch. Requirements: For developing Java applications you will need either an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse which has it's own compiler built in which makes it easier for you to debug your program. Or, you can decide to use a Text Editor such as; Notepad, Notepad++ or Sublime then you will have to compile your .java files each time you would like to test your program.

Java Tutorial

Submitted by GeePee on
This page will (in the near future) hold a list of great, in-depth tutorials teaching you the ins and outs of programming in Java. Including tutorials for beginners such as; - Syntax - Namespaces and for advanced programmers such as; - Networking - Threading As you begin to learn the basics of Java through these dedicated tutorials you will become more aware of how software is 'programmed well', how to save space and the importance or certain conventions within Java. So go ahead; Choose you're first tutorial from the list below!

How to Make Hangman Game Using HTML JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
A game is a good way to keep your visitors and yourself occupied in your site. This script is a reincarnation of the classic "Hang Man" game. You have to play against the computer. The vocabulary used in this game is configurable. This is a customized Hang Man game with images to display the wrong guesses. This is a cool and fun game to play. This is the game that the user/player will predict what is the word that the computer ask.

How To Make Bigger Image Viewer Using HTML JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
Have you encountered images that are so small or blur? These images need to be resized or zoomed in. There is a way to see this kind of images clearly. It is called "Bigger Image Viewer". In this tutorial, we are going to learn How To Make Bigger Image Viewer. So, what is it all about? From the name itself, Bigger Image Viewer automatically adds a caption beneath the images of your choice that when clicked on launches a bigger and clearer version of the image. There may be alteration from the original image to the enlarged version due to the process.

How to Create Login Page in PHP and MySQL with Session

Submitted by GeePee on
How to Create Login Page in PHP and MySQL with Session In my previous tutorial called "How to Create Secure Login Page in PHP/MySQL", I explain on the three ways on how create a login page using PHP/MySQL. This time, I will add more functionality on this tutorial. We will add session so that we will know if the visitor has logged in on our site or not. In PHP, there is a variable called $_SESSION. Session allow you to store information and used it in any pages that you like.

Server Side Form Validation (Registration Form)

Submitted by GeePee on
Validating a form using a JavaScript gives convenience to your visitors by avoiding page reload and other features that we discuss on our previous tutorial called Validate Login Page Using JavaScript. But validating a form using JavaScript alone is not safe. One reason is if the JavaScript is not enabled in the web browser.