PHP Date and Time

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about PHP Date and Time. Date and time are part of our everyday lives. PHP also provides this tools to make it work the dates and time easier. These functions allow you to get the date and time from your server where the PHP scripts are running. Then, you can use these functions to format the date and time in some ways. Note: These function it depends on your settings of your server. Installation: No need installation for these functions.

The PHP Date() Function

The PHP date() function formats a timestamp, so they are more likely human readable.


date(format,timestamp) format - This is required field and the timestamp must be in specific format. timestamp - This is optional field and it also specific timestamp and the current date and time is default.

Simple Date

Here are commonly used of characters for dates: d - stand for the days of the month (01 - 31) m - stand for a month (01 - 12) Y - stand for a year; like (2010) (four digits) l (this is lowercase of L) - stand for the days of the week And, there are other characters can also be used for adding additional format in dates like "/", ".", or "-".


This is the image result of the code below: date
  1. <?php
  2. echo "Today is " . date("l") . "<br>";
  3. echo "The date today is " . date("Y/m/d") . "<br>";
  4. echo "The date today is " . date("Y-m-d") . "<br>";
  5. echo "The date today is " . date("Y.m.d");
  6. ?>
Another example, these function used to automatic update the copyright year of your website. This is the image result of the code below: copyright

How To Create Login Form Using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn on How To Create Login Form Using JavaScript. This is simple Login Page using a simple script. The Username is username and the Password is password. But you can change this after you download the source code below, and go to the script to make it change. Then, create a target page. This is the Login Page:

How To Create Password Protect Using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on

Good Day!!!

In this tutorial, we are going to learn on How To Create Password Protect Using JavaScript. In the codes below provide a broad password to protect a certain page. Hope you can learn from this tutorial.

Password: nextpage


First Step: Kindly save this image to your computer or you can change this whatever you want. Stop Sign

Hamiltonian Circuit Checking

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
This simple C source code is written in dev-C++ platform, (OS- Win 7). Here, in a given random simple symmetric graph, whether there a Hamiltonian circuit exists or not, is being checked. This is based on the formula: If 2e >= [ (n^2) - 3n + 6 ], then there hamiltonian circuit exits, else not. e & n are the number of edges & vertices respectively here.

Test Whether Two Graphs are Isomorphic or Not

Submitted by Arup Kr Goswami on
Hello, this is a simple C source code, written in dev-C++ platform (OS- Windows 7). This code actually check whether two given graphs are Isomorphic or not. Basically here both graphs are represented by their Adjacency matrix. At first this check whether two graph has equal number of vertices or not, then if they have the same number of edges, then again it is checked that whether they have equal

Student Registration System

Submitted by richardtamunotonye on
This program is developed using PHP, it accepts the data input and provide the following as output: 1. List of all female students who registered in your class in that particular year. 2. List of students arranged in alphabetical order of Surnames. 3. List of all students in your faculty who come from your State, but arranged according to sex.

Real Estate Record Management with PDF File

Submitted by asiasoft on
This project written in VB.NET10 as front end and MS Access as back end. This is useful for Real Estate Record Managemt Record with pdf of 7/12 or Layout of Gat No./sarve No. you can view any time & xerox it direct to xerox machine & search by Gat No / Sarve No / Shivar / Plot No etc. For who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development,Website