Rampart Hardware Store Sales and Inventory System

Submitted by janobe on
This is a customized Sales and Inventory system that is specially made for Rampart Hardware Store due to the slow process of their current manual system. This system is a big help for managing hardware products and ensure that transactions are completed accurately. With computerized sales, this help provides better insight into which items are most sold and it will simply appear in the reports

Calculator in Visual Basic

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial, I would like to share you this project called Calculator in Visual Basic. This project support the basic functions of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, as well as changing the sign of the number the "+/-" key. It's up to you if you want to support the sqrt(√), percent(%), and (1/x) functions.

Dancalan Private Academy INC. Enrollment System

Submitted by janobe on
Dancalan Private Academy INC. Enrollment System is a complete system made of Visual Basic 2008, MS Access database and Crystal Reports to generate reports. This system is a convenient way of storing informations of students. It's a user-friendly system that any first time enrolees won't have any trouble during the enrolment process. Faculties may find it hard in manually storing the files of every

CSS Filter Effects: Brightness, Contrast, Grayscale, Saturate, and Sepia Part I

Submitted by alpha_luna on
If you are looking for about CSS Filter Effects then you are at the right place. Filters effect was primarily part of the SVG or it’s called Scalable Vector Graphics. Short information about SVG, SVG is a markup language that describes the two-dimensional graphics kind of application or an image and it is a set of related graphics script interfaces.

Coca-Cola Bottle Inventory System

Submitted by janobe on
In a big company like Coca-Cola, it's a big help to have an inventory system like this. This Coca-Cola Bottle Inventory System has the ability to monitor and updates inventory records in a breeze that make transaction fast with accuracy. This also tracks the in and out's of bottles and locates the defective ones. This system is made of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, MS Access Database and Crystal