Restore database

Submitted by Hassan Hambe on
You can use this code to restore database into SQL server Private Sub BtnRestore_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnRestore.Click Try Dim database = CmbDatabase .Text Dim ServrnameRestore = CmbServer .Text .Trim Dim OpenFile1 As New OpenFileDialog Dim Constr As String Constr ="Data Source=" & ServrnameRestore &"; Initial Catalog=master; Integrated Security=True" 'Open connection

Refugee Food Management System

Submitted by neville on
This project will help beginners to do a grt job or learn a lot. A lot functionality has been added in the system so enjoy this project. The project has two users one is Admin and another one is a field monitor. Usernames and Passwords For Admin are: admin admin Field monitor: Fred Fred Field monitor monitors food brought refugees in campus and its distribution to different people he/she also

MP3 ShareBox (updated May 20, 2017)

Submitted by Eclipsed Lunatic on
MP3 ShareBox offers the ability to share MP3 tracks with your friends over the internet by using the Dropbox software from The ShareBox is best launched at Windows Startup (shortcut in "startup" folder) and will remain in the System Tray to handle any request from your friends on the background. The ShareBox interface window is used to change settings and to select and download

Exam/Quiz System

Submitted by felosoro on
In this tutorial we will develop a simple application in which the admin part will select a subject to set an exam and stored in mysql database. The student will access the questions by selecting the subject and do the exam on the application and the student answer sheet will be stored on the database. The teacher will access the admin part to mark the exam on the same application.

File Hider Behind Image

Submitted by sba stuff on
This software, as it states, hide file behind images. This technique was used recently many times and in command line format. It is impossible for users to remember commands. So GUI format is provided. This software also allows you answer: How to hide files behind images. Only Source code is provided. You must compile it in visual studio to get binaries. Don't mind I am just following

Mini Dictionary of TCP/IP Ports and Protocols

Submitted by Emery Paul on
As a network engineer is very necessary to know the function and port number of a protocol. This small app written in C#.Net 4.5 as front end and Access 2010 as Back end takes a look at these protocols, provides a basic description of their function and lists the port numbers that they are commonly associated with. Best Regard. For more informations and help contact me at: Email :emerypaulkis

TCP/IP and Networking Tools

Submitted by Emery Paul on
Hello once again. Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 system have a whole array of helpful command line tools for configuring and testing Internet and LAN connections. This application present some of the networking tools that can be useful to an average PC user. For many other commands visit Best Regard. For