School Management System

Submitted by Emax EmaxTechnology on
Hello family, I understand that the previous package I uploaded had bugs and not working quite well in some platforms. I have uploaded a relatively better package though. The system has several modules i.e students staff, courses, departments, hostel, sms(Short messages) fee, company info, promotion(I.e promoting students in the next class, semester however you may put it) Login details admin

Class PdfTable

Submitted by nabres on
I created a class PdfTable, which helps you easily make the tables in pdf. You can add columns, rows, change font, color, insert text. I create a method (Wrapper) that breaks the text, so it fits into the size of the cell.

File Search

Submitted by nabres on
If you want to quickly find some files, from your computer, then you will find this program useful. After finding the files, you can double click on one of them and it will open. Can successfully replace the search from windows, it's fast and easy to work. I'm glad I can help those who want to learn.

File Explorer

Submitted by nabres on
It looks like windows explorer, but has 2 display panels. The program was designed to exemplify how to work with files and folders. You can open, copy, move, delete or rename files. I will let you bring the improvements, you consider necessary, to become a professional program :)

Zagelanews Android App

Submitted by Omar Omran on
Zagelanews is a new location based social network, where users can get the news by drawing a circle around any area in the Map, and Zagelanews will bring all the news related to that selected area. Zagelanews Imagine if there is a big protest in the Newyork city, and you are sitting inside your home in Cairo, you can simply open the app and draw a circle around Wall Street, and hence Zagelanews will fetch all the related news posted by

ReactJS 16 structured App and Bootstrap 4

Submitted by klevis on
This app is a starter for React js 16 with a nice structure and bootstrap 4, i dint use webpack config or gulp or grunt for deploy but just react scripts. Setup: Download the code and extract got to directory and install the packages npm install --> install all npm modules npm start --> start the project This app use the react scripts for deploy. For more details go to my repository https://github