Student's Individual Inventory Record System with SMS Notification

Submitted by janobe on
This Student’s Individual Inventory Record System with SMS Notification for schools and colleges provides complete information of every enrolled student. In this way the system can easily check or track the student’s information. Then, it also provides record to see how many times the student has been called in the Guidance Office because of the offenses he/she made and then it will notify their

Sales and Inventory System - VB6 + Ms Access 2003

Submitted by Joms Basco on
JB Sales and Inventory System This Sales and Inventory System is developed using Visual Basic 6 and using MS Access 2003 database in the back end. This is developed according to my school project requirements for the subject of Computer Programming III (Visual Basic). Main Features are: 1. Customers(Super Distributors) and vendors Profile 2. Orders Processing 3. Inventory Management 4. Invoice