How to Get Factorial Numbers in VB.Net

Submitted by janobe on
This time, let’s learn how to get factorial numbers in VB.Net. If we say factorial number, it means a number which is multiply itself to its decreasing numbers and it is denoted by the symbol (!). Like for example the factorial number or value of 5. This is how it looks like, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120. Now, let’s try doing this with codes in VB.Net. Just simply follow the instructions below.

Quiz Management System in C++

Submitted by Imran Cusitian on
Hello World...!!! Though I am not an expert programmer but today i want to share my little knowledge of C/C++ programming by sharing this simple Quiz Management System with you people. I hope this may help some students in their mini assignments/projects. It is a Quiz Management System in C/C++ which contains Quizes in form of MCQs for various subjects. You people are free to modify this program

Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion in VB.Net

Submitted by janobe on
If you are looking for a tutorial for the conversion of Celsius and Fahrenheit in VB.Net, we’ll this tutorial is the one that is just right for you. This tutorial has a functionality that converts the number that you input to Fahrenheit and Celsius. It composed of label, textbox and two buttons inside the form. See the procedure below.

Network Based Ordering System Using PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by janobe on
In this network based ordering system the customer has the ability to select their order on a tablet or an iPad. In this way, it’s very convenient for them to choose a meal that is available in the gadget that they’ll be using. Then, it will be the part of the waiter to place their order that will automatically be submitted in the cashier. To see more of this system, look at the following features below.