Thesis Writing

Submitted by admin on
I know how hard to create a program especially if you are a student. I’ve been on this situation before and luckily I was able to pass this requirement. I write this article due to the demand of so many students who visited this website. Unfortunately I cannot answer all your queries because I am prioritizing some paid services like thesis writing. In this matter, I am willing to help you create

CheckBox Control with MySQL

Submitted by admin on
Another source code on how to populate a CheckBox control with data, this time by using MySQL. In order to run this program you need to install the database included in the TreeView Control with MySQL. This program needs the Products table from the Northwind database which I ported to MySQL. Again the purpose of this code is to show you how to easily populate checkbox control with data. For more

ComboBox Control with MySQL

Submitted by admin on
This program will use the database from the previous source code called DataGridView Control with MySQL. You can use this program without downloading the previous source code by importing the SQL file to the northwind database. If you like you can use different name for the database. Just make sure to change the connection string to the name you choose. I just modified the source code from our

TreeView Control with MySQL

Submitted by admin on
While I was trying to convert TreeView Control to work with MySQL I encounter an error with concurrent connection using DataReader. The error message was “ There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first”. Even the Microsoft KB does not help in solving this problem. The workaround on this problem is to create another connection to avoid this error

Visual Basic 6.0 and Windows 7

Submitted by admin on
With the new version of Windows to be release on October 22, 2009, Microsoft Corp. made a statement that Visual Basic 6.0 is still supported. This is good news to all programmers who still use VB 6.0 as their programming language. When Windows Vista came out the number one software that I try to install is my beloved Visual Studio 6.0. In my amazement it was not supported. There was no backward

Text to Speech

Submitted by admin on
This is a text to speech program which I use whenever I read an e-Book. Instead of reading an e-Book or any word from your computer you can just copy the text to the clipboard and click the play button and listen to the audio. The program is very accessible because it resides at the top of the screen and you can even move it to any location on your desktop. Before you can run and use this program

DataGridView Control with MySQL

Submitted by admin on
I received a lot of email if I can make a tutorial on how to connect VB.NET with MySQL. So here it is. I am planning to continue this tutorial that is similar on my previous article on Database Programming Made Easy. The only difference with the previous one is that I will be using MySQL instead of MS Access and MS SQL Server. This tutorial will teach you how to connect Visual Basic .NET 2008 to