Submitted by nass on
Hey u want to make ur LOGIN FORM LOOK ATTRACTIVE (GUI)?? try this loading circle which i created using TIMER CONTROL..again and again codes are simple dont be affraid to restudy them. NOTE: No login details required,just click login button.Try to check carefull those timers especially there intervals i.e they starts from 400,800,1200 etc... Also small circles are good,mine are just for sample..

How to Use Status Bar in Your Application

Submitted by nass on
I know ur familiar with STATUS BAR tool in VB. And some of u am sure u dont know how to put it in action..Dont worry again about that, below are the simple codes for any begginer.I wrote only 4 lines of codes this shows how simple it is(status bar).Remember Application without Status Bar is kinda not fully presentable.. If u find difficulties,u know what to do...................!!!!!!!!!!!

Computerized Voting System in Visual Basic

Submitted by itachi_philip on
This is a Visual Basic version of my Computezied Voting System in Ms Access...."The Lucky 3 Voting System" http://www.sourcecodester.com/microsoft-access/msu-n-computerized-voting-system.html ... but this time this is much easier to understand and to use... since all the functions that are all implemented in this system are understandable by those beginner in Visual Basic... I implement: 2 User

NumberBox Toolbox Item

Submitted by trkmml on
This textbox desined for currency or decimal numbers Number Property for .text property version contains a number DecimalNumber property for decimal places CurrencySymbol property for currency symbol :) Note : this code changed vb 2010 to 2008 Imports SystemImports System.Collections.GenericImports System.ComponentModelImports System.DataImports System.DrawingImports System.TextImports System

Simple Login using MS Access 2007

Submitted by zderick on
Hi. I'm sharing this simple Login Form which I created using MS Access. I hope this will help Access newbies to become more comfortable with the program. I'm sure there are a number of ways to do this (perhaps much better than this) but I did what I could to make this simple and straight-forward. I. Access Objects in this application: A. Table:1. tblUsers - table for application users B. Forms:1