Automated Voting System
Submitted by solnel on Friday, February 10, 2012 - 13:56.
This is Automated Voting System created in Visual Basic 6.0. It can generate reports like canvassing report and voters report(tracking of which year and section has the most and least number that participate). The system is also capable of generating unique Student ID and password.
Administrator: [username-"admin"; password-"admin000"]
Try it to believe it. (-_^)
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poor need visual
poor need visual basic in order to run the source code...
how can i fix the canvassing report of the candidates?
how can i fix the canvassing report of the candidates? please help me... T.T
Some one claiming your system
some one uses your system and claiming that he created this software
Generate Button
Hi. How can I fix the generate button? I cannot generate random Student ID and Password. thank you
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