How to Get Prime Numbers in VB.Net

Now, let’s create a simple program which is how to get prime numbers in VB.Net. You will learn here how to easily determine the prime numbers between 1 to 100. This simple program is also powerful that you can use to test large numbers to see if they are “prime”. Just follow the steps below.

Creating Application

Step 1

Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and create a new windows form application. Then, add a Button and a Label in the Form just like shown below. prime21

Step 2

Double click the Button to fire the click event handler of it and do the following codes for getting the prime numbers from 1 to 100.
  1.     Dim prime, numbers, i As Integer
  2.         prime = 1
  3.         MsgBox(“The prime Numbers are : ”)
  4.         For numbers = 1 To 100
  5.             For i = 2 To numbers - 1
  6.                 If numbers Mod i = 0 Then
  7.                     prime = 0
  8.                     Exit For
  9.                 Else
  10.                     prime = 1
  11.                 End If
  13.             Next
  14.             If prime = 1 Then
  15.                 MsgBox(numbers)
  16.             End If
  17.         Next
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