Python - Pygame Simple SpriteSheet Animation

In this tutorial we will create a Simple SpriteSheet Animation. Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for creating games. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with the Python programming language. This is a good opportunity for beginners to learn Pygame first when it comes in developing some games. So let's now do the coding...

Getting Started

First you will have to download & install the Python IDLE's, here's the link for the Integrated Development And Learning Environment for Python After Python IDLE's is installed, open the command prompt then type "python -m pip install pygame", and hit enter. tut1

Importing Modules

After setting up the installation, run the IDLE and click file and then new file. After that a new window will appear containing a black file this will be the text editor for the python. Then copy code that I provided below and paste it inside the IDLE text editor
  1. import pygame, sys, os
  2. from pygame.locals import *

Writing The Variables

We will assign the a certain variables that we will need to declare later in the main loop. To do that just kindly write this code inside your text editor.
  1. #Game Initialization
  2. pygame.init()
  4. #Center the Game Application
  5. os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED']='1'
  7. # Game Resolution
  8. screen_width=800
  9. screen_height=600
  10. screen=pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
  12. # Color
  13. black=(0, 0, 0)
  14. white=(255, 255, 255)
  16. # Fonts
  17. font="fonts/Gamer.ttf"
  19. # Framerate
  20. clock=pygame.time.Clock()
  21. fps=12
  24. # Image Files
  25. image=pygame.image.load("images/sprite.png")
  26. imageSize=image.get_size()
  27. horiz_cell=6
  28. vert_cell=1
  29. cell_width=imageSize[0]/horiz_cell
  30. cell_height=imageSize[1]/vert_cell
  32. cell_list=[]
  34. cell_position=0
  36. # Slicing The Sprite Sheet
  37. for y in range(0, imageSize[1], int(cell_height)):
  38.     for x in range(0, imageSize[0], int(cell_width)):
  39.         surface = pygame.Surface((cell_width, cell_height))
  40.         surface.blit(image, (0, 0),
  41.                      (x, y, cell_width, cell_height))
  42.         cell_list.append(surface)

Declaring Methods

We will now declare some methods to make it easier to call it in the main functions. This contains several function that can be use all through.
  1. # Methods
  2. def text_format(text, textFont, textSize, textColor):
  3.     font=pygame.font.Font(textFont, textSize)
  4.     newText=font.render(text, 0, textColor)
  5.     return newText

Main Function

This is the Main Code for the Pygame application. The code contains a several function that will allow to render the application. To do that just write this code inside the IDLE text editor.
  1. # Main Loop
  2. while True:
  3.     for event in pygame.event.get():
  4.         if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
  5.             pygame.quit()
  6.             sys.exit()
  8.     if cell_position < len(cell_list)-1:
  9.         cell_position+=1
  10.     else:
  11.         cell_position=0
  12.     title=text_format("Python - Pygame Simple SpriteSheet Animation", font, 40, white)
  13.     titleRect=title.get_rect()
  14.     screen.blit(title, (screen_width/2 - (titleRect[2]/2), 50))
  15.     screen.blit(cell_list[cell_position], (300, 200))
  16.     pygame.display.update()
  17.     pygame.display.set_caption("Python - Pygame Simple SpriteSheet Animation")
  18.     clock.tick(fps)
There you have it we successfully created a Simple SpriteSheet Animation using Pygame. I hope that this simple tutorial help you to what you are looking for and enhance your programming capabilities. For more updates and tutorials just kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!!

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