Simple Table Search Filter Using AngularJS
Submitted by razormist on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 18:22.
In this tutorial, we will create a Simple Table Search Filter Using AngularJS. AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It is a kind of template that extends HTML to a new level of coding techniques. It is mostly used by other well known site for creating a template. So let's get started.
Creating the Mark-up
To create a form, open any kind of text editor(notepad++, etc..) and copy/paste the code below then name it "index.html"
The code above display the value of all the data within the AngularJS script. The ng-model will bind the data of an input then it will display the exact value in the table data.
Creating a script for calling AngularJS
To make the script worked, just copy/paste the code below then name it "script.js"
The code above will generate the data that been stored in an array
There you have it, we created a simple search filter by using AngularJS. I hope that this tutorial helps you to your project. For more updates and tutorials just kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!!
- <!DOCTYPE hmtl>
- <html lang = "en">
- <head>
- <meta charset = "UTF-8" name = "viewport" content = "width-device=width, initial-scale=1" />
- <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css/bootstrap.css" />
- </head>
- <body ng-app = "myModule">
- <nav class = "navbar navbar-default">
- <div class = "container-fluid">
- </div>
- </nav>
- <div class = "row" ng-controller = "myController">
- <div class = "col-md-6 well">
- <hr style = "border-top:1px solid #000;"/>
- <form class="form-inline">
- <div class="form-group">
- <div class="input-group">
- <input type="text" class="form-control" id="exampleInputAmount" placeholder="Enter Here" ng-model = "search">
- </div>
- </div>
- </form>
- <table class = "table table-bordered alert-warning">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr ng-repeat = "PLang in PLangs | filter: search">
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- var myApp = angular.module("myModule", [])
- .controller("myController", function($scope){
- var PLangs = [
- {name: "C", creator: "Dennis Ritchie"},
- {name: "C++", creator: "Bjarne Stroustrup"},
- {name: "C#", creator: "Anders Hejlsberg"},
- {name: "Java", creator: "James Gosling"},
- {name: "HTML", creator: "Tim Berners-Lee"},
- {name: "Javascript", creator: "Brendan Eich"},
- {name: "PHP", creator: "Rasmus Lerdorf"},
- {name: "Python", creator: "Guido van Rossum"},
- {name: "Ruby", creator: "Yukihiro Matsumoto"},
- {name: "Perl", creator: "Larry Wall"},
- {name: "Scala", creator: "Martin Odersky"},
- {name: "Bash", creator: "Brian Fox"},
- {name: "Clojure", creator: "Rich Hickey"}
- ];
- $scope.PLangs = PLangs;
- });
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