simple Billing system

Simple Electric Billing Management System in PHP using Laravel 9 Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This simple project is a Simple Electricity Billing System. This is a web-based application project developed in PHP, Laravel Framework, and MySQL Database. This project's main goal is to provide an automated and online billing platform for electricity consumers. This application allows the electric providers to store their clients' bills where clients can also list all their previous

Simple Student Information and Billing System in VB.Net with Source Code

Submitted by pbermoy on
This is a Simple Student Information and Billing System Project that was developed using VB.NET and MS SQL Server Database. The system stores the students' information and manages the payment records of the certain school. The system also stores and manages the list of the school's a cademic year, courses, and subjects of the students. With the help of this system, the school can manage their

Simple Billing System

Submitted by wajahat.rashid.792 on
This is a simple billing system created using Visual Basic. This is a very easy system. Just choose the items you want and it will display the cost of the items. Insert the quantity ordered and it will automatically sum up total cost. All selected item will be displayed on the listview. It will also show all total cost of all the items selected or ordered. Hope you learn from this. Like My Page