
E-Signature Maker with Download Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the E-Signature Maker with Download project, a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to create electronic signatures quickly and effortlessly. Whether you need a digital signature for contracts, forms, or other documents, this web application provides a seamless experience. You can draw your signature on a canvas, make adjustments by undoing strokes or clearing the entire canvas, and

e-Signature App Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the e-Signature App, a user-friendly and versatile solution crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to streamline the process of capturing electronic signatures. This project offers a seamless and responsive interface, allowing users to effortlessly draw their signatures on a canvas using mouse or touch input. The elegant design, characterized by a stylish color scheme and the Poppins

How to create an Electronic Signature Capture in Android using Basic4Android

Submitted by donbermoy on
Good day! This is my other tutorial on Android creating a Signature Capture using Basic4Android. An electronic signature is any electronic means that indicates either that a person adopts the contents of an electronic message, or more broadly that the person who claims to have written a message is the one who wrote it and that the message received is the one that was sent. By comparison, a signature is a stylized script associated with a person. In commerce and the law, a signature on a document is an indication that the person adopts the intentions recorded in the document.