
Using OLEDB in Connecting Database to MS Access(with Database Password)

Submitted by mrdobLedos on
Hello Guys.. i uploaded this code to help other programmers to saved more space in codings.. when it comes in connecting the database.. For me,this kind of coding is more easy way than others,b'coz, you can call the connection in evry form load event with a single line code,ohhh.. i mean two words only like this "Call dbconnection" That's it.. Enjoy!!! ^__^

Password Version 1.0

Submitted by jakerpomperada on
About this code I called it Password Version 1.0 written in Visual Basic 6.0. This is my first time to write a Visual Basic application that is database driven. Im using ADO controls to access the data in the database. My front end Im using Visual Basic for screen design and data retrieval and for my back end Im using MS Access where I store my user name and password. I intended my work for

How to Change the Database Password Programmatically?

Submitted by admin on

This tutorial will teach you on how to change the database password of an Access database programmatically using visual basic 6.0.

CN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & DatabasePath & ";Persist Security Info=False;Mode=12;Jet OLEDB:Database Password="current password here" sqlExecStr = "ALTER Database Password " & txtNewPass & " " & txtOldPass & ";" CN.Execute sqlExecStr

Where CN is your database connection variable.

If you use the database before changing the password be sure to close it by adding code like: