Object Oriented Programming in C++

Submitted by moazam60 on
In this set of tutorial we will learn object oriented programming in c++ . Object Oriented programming helps you develop softwares using a new approach. In this book you will learn the core concepts of object Oriented programming i.e inheritance , polymorphism and composition. We will learn what are these techniques and how to use these techniques as we go through the course. We will also learn about classes and other stuff related to it as we go through this book.

How to Use OOP (Object Oriented Programming) In Java

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to use OOP (Object Oriented Programming), I am using Java to do this however, the principle applies for OOP in general. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First I have created a simple project in Java IDE called Eclipse. I have two classes, one called Main to host the form/frame/window of the application and handle the output, and a Game class which is going to

Sales And Monitoring System

Submitted by tony_fear2003@… on
The Sales And Monitoring i created for my cousin. basically just a simple project for their SAD. PROGRAMMER: WINSTON L. GUBANTES System Requirements: 1. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, 2005 OR HIGHER 2. CPU(Intel,Amd) 1ghz or higher 3. RAM 512 mb or higher (1gig recommended) 4. Flash Player (later versions) Requirements for IDE: 1. C# VS STUDIO 2010 Professional Edition

Save Information Using (ADO.NET OledbConnection(Object Oriented Programming))

Submitted by xiankaylle on
This Code is More advance than my previous upload. This is an Object Oriented Dot net Code I made this code not to say that I' am Good. I just want to share with you guys what i've learn I saw many sample codes in dot net that still using VB 6 code.I'm not telling that it's not OK or what but when you enter .net framework world