Object-Oriented Programming

Simple Mobile Comparison Website in PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This simple project is entitled Mobile Comparison Website. This is a simple web-based application that was developed using PHP/OOP and MySQL Database. This project is a simple Content Management System (CMS) that allow the users to compare the specification of the smartphones. The contents in the system are dynamic which means they can be managed or modified in the front-end. This has

Part III: Generating Autonumber using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by GeePee on
In some of our previous tutorial, we discuss how to Create, Read, Update and Delete using object-oriented programmming approach. This tutorial is a continuation of our previous topic called "Part II: Updating and Deleting of MySQL data using an OOP approach in PHP". But this time we’re going to focus on how to generate autonumber. This autonumber can be used as a unique id in your aside from your database.