Free PHP Source Code for IT/CS

Printing Business Records Management System in PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a PHP entitled Printing Business Records Management System. This is a web-based application that provides an automated platform for certain Printing Businesses to record their day-to-day transaction. The system allows the management to store the shop's transaction along with the relevant details such as the printing items, prices, and payments. The system allows partial

Laundry Booking Management System in PHP with Free Source Code

Submitted by Nikhil_B on
This is a PHP Project entitled Laundry Booking Management System. In this simple project, the main purpose of this project is to make a faster and reliable web application. At the initial stage of my study of PHP Programming Language. It is useful for Laundry Management systems. This project manages the day-to-day transaction of a laundry shop or business. The Laundry Booking Management System was