Simple CRUD using PHP and FPDF with Source Code

Submitted by erwin.acedillo on
Hi! I have here a Simple CRUD project that was developed using PHP. This project is a simple user registration using the CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). This project also used FPDF Library for Printing View and Downloadable PDF File feature. My main purpose in sharing this program is to help new programmers or those students or individuals that would like to learn how to create

Add, Edit, Delete Image with data table using PDO in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
Related Code: Add, Edit, Delete with data table using PDO in PHP/MySQL This simple project is created using PDO or it's called PHP Data Objects and it's a database driven using MySQL as a database. This project is intended for beginners in using PDO. It has a basic code so everyone can easily to understand and learn.

CRUD Using PHP/MySQL with PDO Query

Submitted by argie on
This Tutorial will teach you on how to create a simple CRUD system using PHP/MySQL and PDO Query.This Code is combination on my previous tutorial posted in this site. The feature of this system are CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE using PDO Query. This is different from the other CRUD system posted in this site, because I used PDO Query and this system also is safe for SQL Injection. Other feature of