Drag and Drop Voting System

Hello guys I have created new voting system that I created for our Philippines Society of Information Technology Students (PSITS) organization in our school this system is use by our club and test during our PSITS election. It has a good graphical user interface (GUI) and User friendly Environment. The features of this system are the following: -Drag and drop style of voting -add, edit, delete voter -add, edit, and delete candidates -count number of votes of candidates -form validator and CAPTCHA for voters registration -any many more To view the output of this code, just download the zip file attach that include the sql and the php file. To access admin just add “/admin” in your URL. To access voters registration form just add “ /register” in your URL. Database name: psits Admin username: teph Admin password: teph Thank you.

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Hi Idol, Can you please help me?..I'm just a newbie and trying to learn PHP programming, I’m a Filipino too...I tried to run your system..I put all the files on htdocs folder..I imported the sql file on myphp admin on database named "psits" and it ran correctly all tables were imported. The thing is I do have a password for my localhost so I tried to edit all the php file with dbcon (mysql_connect) to put password on it..I edited the file and put password on mysql_connect on the following dbconn.php ( I think it is 3 php files, one in admin folder, one in register folder and one in root directory). I tried to run the index.php, the page is running correctly, but the thing is I cannot login I received error message “Incorrect/Invalid username or password” for both admin user/voter, I checked the data on users table and I’m using correct credentials. Can you please tell me if I’m missing something? I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance!  Regards, Marlon

Pls help me out am trying to drag and drop on mobile web browser but not dragging, just scrolling the screen, pls help me on how to make it draggable or how to click just the candidate picture and vote without dragging , using any method will be appreciate , here is my email [email protected]

after everything, when you try to click yes as a response to submit final vote, it doesnt response and so you cant actualy submit your vote.Please help me, my email is [email protected]

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