Purchase Request Tracking System - PHP/MYSQL

The scope of the project includes: -The web application is able to allow end users or requestors to sign up for an account. -The web application can be able to record purchase requests done by the users to be submitted to the SPU Office and Authorized Personnel. The users will input their requests in the web application. -The web application administrator or the SPU Staff is responsible of updating the status of each submitted purchase requests (PR). -The web application can be able to provide an interface for the requestor that will display the list and status of the requested equipments such as received, canvas form for signing of president, for canvassing, BAC opening, arrived of the purchase requests. -The web application end users will be capable of sending message the SPU to follow up for the request status if there is updates or progress about the purchase request submitted by the end user. For more information contact me at: Email: [email protected] Buy Email List: https://www.fiverr.com/gebbfives/provide-you-verified-email-lists Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/s2/918d792ddb Portfolio: gebbebero.elementfx.com

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I am a newbie in php, how can I go about after download. Installing dependences and anything else

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