Project Expense Monitoring System Project in PHP With Source Code


Project Expense Monitoring System Project in PHP With Source Code

This Project Expense Monitoring System Project in PHP is a system created using PHP and MySQL Database for backend support. The Twitter Bootstrap framework is used in this project.

This Project expense Monitoring System project is designed to monitor the company expenses. With this project, the company will no longer find it difficult to encode the daily expenses by projects. This system can really help those Construction companies monitor their daily expenses and consolidate them on a real-time basis.

Watch the video here to get an idea of how this system works.

Project Expense Monitoring System Project

This project has the following Module:

  1. User Account Management
    • This user account management module allows the administrator to create and manage the specific account. The account is used to access the project expense management system.
  2. Supplier Information Management
    • This module will serve as the default storage of supplier information such as supplier code, Supplier name, TIN, Address, and Contact.
    • For the construction company, it is important to have supplier information because they have to monitor the expenses or payables to their supplier.
  3. Expenses management
    • The expenses management module is one of the main modules of this project wherein it allows you to store all the possible expenses or the default expenses. With the module, you will be able to add new expenses and set it as default if you think that these expenses is always used during the recording of expenses per project.
  4. Project Management
    • Project Management feature is the main module of this project. It allows the administrator to add new projects.
    • The administrator has access to the main dashboard wherein the Administrator can view the list of on-going and finished projects. Aside from this feature, the admin can assign default expenses in any project.
    • The administrator can view the project details such as Project Name, Start Date, End Date, Project Cost, total Expenses, Available Funds, Project Status, and Expense Summary.
      Project Expense monitoring System Project Details
    • The administrator/Employee can also add additional or customize expenses based on the selected project.

To use this Project expense Monitoring System project, Follow the steps below.


  • Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP/WAMP.


  • Step 1: Download the Source Code below
  • Step 2: Extract the Downloaded Source code
  • Step 3: Look for the “pemsdb.sql” file inside the downloaded folder
  • Step 4: Open PHPmyAdmin and create a database and name it as “pemsdb”
  • Step 5: Import the “pemsdb.sql” file to the newly created database
  • Step 6: Open a new tab and type this Link http://localhost/pems/index.php

Default user account used to log in:

Username: [email protected]
Password: j


If you have any questions or suggestions about this FREE PHP Projects with Source Code "Project Expense Monitoring System Project ", just let me know. just simply leave a comment below.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


it a good work love to practices it


this url come and not effect any row also no message that like delete has been successfully done.

plz share the code only delete part.

i will appreciate you . thanks a lot

Hello, cannot find the file sql file for pemsdb in the downloaded folder.

Well done

Thank You 3

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