LAN Based Connection Between and Sql Server

Hi this is sample code to connect sql server from other computer.. need both PC1 and PC2.. can view on Network if you have question try to message my email here in my email add on YM and FB [email protected] or like my PAge on Fb thanks and GOD bless!!! ^_^ note:Open this app in the 2008 or higher and get the database name in your sql server 2008 or higher

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if you have question how to connect LAN based or WAN Based just pm me here in my contact !!

Thanks for ur wonderful guideline.... its great help u me!!! keep it up....

hi bro can i ask what is the network library you are referring in the connection string of this sample

can I ask? How can I connect Sql Server to Vb.Net with LAN connection? can You give me sample Prototype for Student Information System? Thanks! please Help!

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