Online Public Access Catalog

A simple PHP program that can create(back-end) and search(front-end) learning resources. it uses jQuery-ajax and basic php script. admin usename : admin admin password : admin123 Database Connection host : localhost username : admin_opac password : admin_opac Guidelines : 1. create privilege in phpmyadmin. (username and password listed above) 2. sql is located in /sql/admin_opac.sql 3. or change the config/config.php if you don't know how to create privilege. change username -> '', password -> 'root' and host -> localhost. Features : Front-end ->
  • ajax Search
  • quick search (ajax)
back-end ->
  • Manage Learning Resources
  • add Learning resources
  • reports
  • manage site
hope this helps. cheers. ^_^

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


i love this job!

When i run the application this error appear "Table 'admin_hrm.config' doesn't exist" If i try to login then the error wrong password appears.

In reply to by sebastian (not verified)

I'm sorry for that error, I have uploaded a wrong sql. go to this url and download the sql. .

Hi I'm Inviting u to apply our Company just pm me in yahoo or fb..i want to response u now monday to friday march 5 and 9 thanks

Access denied for user 'admin_opac'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

rieann_343 go to config/connect.php and edit this codes. define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'admin_opac'); define('DB_PASS', 'admin_opac'); define('DB_NAME', 'admin_opac'); $connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error()); change to define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'root'); define('DB_PASS', ''); define('DB_NAME', 'admin_opac'); $connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error());

-- MySQL 5.0.95
-- Tue, 10 Apr 2012 05:09:17 +0000

CREATE TABLE `admin` (
`username` varchar(12) not null,
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`password` varchar(50) not null,

INSERT INTO `admin` (`username`, `id`, `password`) VALUES
('admin', '1', '0192023a7bbd73250516f069df18b500');

CREATE TABLE `book_stat` (
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`book_id` int(11) not null,

INSERT INTO `book_stat` (`id`, `book_id`) VALUES
('1', '1'),
('2', '1'),
('3', '6'),
('4', '5'),
('5', '5'),
('6', '6'),
('7', '7'),
('8', '6'),
('9', '7'),
('10', '6'),
('11', '5'),
('12', '1'),
('13', '5'),
('14', '6'),
('15', '7'),
('16', '7'),
('17', '1'),
('18', '1'),
('19', '5'),
('20', '1'),
('21', '1'),
('22', '1'),
('23', '11'),
('24', '10'),
('25', '3'),
('26', '3'),
('27', '1'),
('28', '4'),
('29', '5'),
('30', '5'),
('31', '17'),
('32', '1'),
('33', '1'),
('34', '15'),
('35', '10'),
('36', '10'),
('37', '10'),
('38', '12'),
('39', '19'),
('40', '18'),
('41', '13'),
('42', '1'),
('43', '1'),
('44', '2'),
('45', '1'),
('46', '1'),
('47', '2'),
('48', '5'),
('49', '9'),
('50', '13'),
('51', '11'),
('52', '16'),
('53', '18'),
('54', '19'),
('55', '1'),
('56', '1'),
('57', '4'),
('58', '6'),
('59', '1'),
('60', '4'),
('61', '5'),
('62', '4'),
('63', '9'),
('64', '3'),
('65', '6'),
('66', '1'),
('67', '1'),
('68', '1'),
('69', '9'),
('70', '1'),
('71', '9'),
('72', '6'),
('73', '5'),
('74', '32'),
('75', '32'),
('76', '1'),
('77', '2'),
('78', '1'),
('79', '1'),
('80', '4'),
('81', '2'),
('82', '5'),
('83', '1'),
('84', '9'),
('85', '3'),
('86', '4'),
('87', '8'),
('88', '9'),
('89', '2'),
('90', '5'),
('91', '7'),
('92', '10'),
('93', '1'),
('94', '1'),
('95', '2'),
('96', '3'),
('97', '40'),
('98', '5'),
('99', '3'),
('100', '4'),
('101', '5'),
('102', '1'),
('103', '40'),
('104', '40'),
('105', '40'),
('106', '40'),
('107', '40'),
('108', '40'),
('109', '4'),
('110', '4'),
('111', '9'),
('112', '5'),
('113', '5'),
('114', '45'),
('115', '45'),
('116', '5'),
('117', '43'),
('118', '43'),
('119', '45'),
('120', '7'),
('121', '43'),
('122', '5'),
('123', '43'),
('124', '43'),
('125', '1'),
('126', '14'),
('127', '1'),
('128', '1'),
('129', '1'),
('130', '1'),
('131', '1'),
('132', '1'),
('133', '3'),
('134', '2'),
('135', '4'),
('136', '5'),
('137', '9'),
('138', '3'),
('139', '4'),
('140', '4'),
('141', '5'),
('142', '6'),
('143', '4'),
('144', '2'),
('145', '5'),
('146', '5'),
('147', '4'),
('148', '7'),
('149', '2'),
('150', '5'),
('151', '4'),
('152', '2'),
('153', '5'),
('154', '9'),
('155', '10'),
('156', '4'),
('157', '3'),
('158', '7'),
('159', '8'),
('160', '10'),
('161', '3'),
('162', '4'),
('163', '7'),
('164', '5'),
('165', '9'),
('166', '10'),
('167', '8'),
('168', '4'),
('169', '9'),
('170', '2'),
('171', '7'),
('172', '5'),
('173', '45'),
('174', '5'),
('175', '45'),
('176', '45'),
('177', '1'),
('178', '1'),
('179', '3'),
('180', '2'),
('181', '5'),
('182', '6'),
('183', '7'),
('184', '43'),
('185', '4'),
('186', '4'),
('187', '1'),
('188', '44'),
('189', '40'),
('190', '7'),
('191', '1'),
('192', '2'),
('193', '9'),
('194', '8'),
('195', '1'),
('196', '1'),
('197', '1'),
('198', '10'),
('199', '10'),
('200', '1'),
('201', '1'),
('202', '10'),
('203', '11'),
('204', '1'),
('205', '1'),
('206', '10'),
('207', '1'),
('208', '1'),
('209', '1'),
('210', '10'),
('211', '1'),
('212', '18'),
('213', '2'),
('214', '12'),
('215', '42'),
('216', '1'),
('217', '12'),
('218', '2'),
('219', '12'),
('220', '42'),
('221', '12'),
('222', '2'),
('223', '12'),
('224', '14'),
('225', '14'),
('226', '16'),
('227', '5'),
('228', '18'),
('229', '18'),
('230', '8'),
('231', '2'),
('232', '7'),
('233', '17'),
('234', '17'),
('235', '46'),
('236', '12'),
('237', '8'),
('238', '1'),
('239', '5'),
('240', '40'),
('241', '5'),
('242', '7'),
('243', '9'),
('244', '10'),
('245', '1'),
('246', '9'),
('247', '8'),
('248', '9'),
('249', '5'),
('250', '3'),
('251', '4'),
('252', '9'),
('253', '10'),
('254', '4'),
('255', '2'),
('256', '1'),
('257', '9'),
('258', '2'),
('259', '7'),
('260', '2'),
('261', '1'),
('262', '19'),
('263', '5'),
('264', '45'),
('265', '6'),
('266', '45'),
('267', '6'),
('268', '6'),
('269', '43'),
('270', '2'),
('271', '45'),
('272', '2'),
('273', '12'),
('274', '1'),
('275', '12'),
('276', '12'),
('277', '1'),
('278', '6'),
('279', '1'),
('280', '6'),
('281', '8'),
('282', '1'),
('283', '9'),
('284', '8'),
('285', '1'),
('286', '1'),
('287', '1'),
('288', '3'),
('289', '11'),
('290', '12'),
('291', '1'),
('292', '1'),
('293', '1'),
('294', '1'),
('295', '3'),
('296', '1'),
('297', '3'),
('298', '5'),
('299', '5'),
('300', '1'),
('301', '1'),
('302', '3'),
('303', '1'),
('304', '1'),
('305', '5'),
('306', '1'),
('307', '4'),
('308', '7'),
('309', '6'),
('310', '6'),
('311', '5'),
('312', '4'),
('313', '3'),
('314', '2'),
('315', '8'),
('316', '4'),
('317', '4'),
('318', '1'),
('319', '1'),
('320', '8'),
('321', '7'),
('322', '5'),
('323', '7'),
('324', '10'),
('325', '5'),
('326', '4'),
('327', '9'),
('328', '9'),
('329', '5'),
('330', '18'),
('331', '10'),
('332', '12'),
('333', '18'),
('334', '17'),
('335', '18'),
('336', '19'),
('337', '3'),
('338', '1'),
('339', '6'),
('340', '7'),
('341', '1'),
('342', '10'),
('343', '44'),
('344', '2'),
('345', '8'),
('346', '2'),
('347', '8'),
('348', '6'),
('349', '6'),
('350', '5'),
('351', '1'),
('352', '8'),
('353', '18'),
('354', '10'),
('355', '15'),
('356', '17'),
('357', '16'),
('358', '1'),
('359', '10'),
('360', '11'),
('361', '1'),
('362', '2'),
('363', '2'),
('364', '4'),
('365', '44'),
('366', '12'),
('367', '12'),
('368', '15'),
('369', '15'),
('370', '1'),
('371', '10'),
('372', '2'),
('373', '2'),
('374', '4'),
('375', '45'),
('376', '15'),
('377', '12'),
('378', '2'),
('379', '1'),
('380', '4'),
('381', '1'),
('382', '4'),
('383', '4'),
('384', '4'),
('385', '8'),
('386', '1'),
('387', '2'),
('388', '15'),
('389', '8'),
('390', '2'),
('391', '8'),
('392', '1'),
('393', '1'),
('394', '15'),
('395', '4'),
('396', '1'),
('397', '14'),
('398', '5'),
('399', '1'),
('400', '15'),
('401', '4'),
('402', '2'),
('403', '48'),
('404', '49'),
('405', '14'),
('406', '3'),
('407', '12'),
('408', '2'),
('409', '45'),
('410', '15'),
('411', '12'),
('412', '3'),
('413', '5'),
('414', '44'),
('415', '8'),
('416', '1'),
('417', '48'),
('418', '47'),
('419', '3'),
('420', '9'),
('421', '1'),
('422', '49'),
('423', '44'),
('424', '12'),
('425', '12'),
('426', '12'),
('427', '1'),
('428', '2'),
('429', '6'),
('430', '8'),
('431', '14'),
('432', '1'),
('433', '49'),
('434', '3'),
('435', '2'),
('436', '3'),
('437', '49'),
('438', '3'),
('439', '1'),
('440', '4'),
('441', '2');

CREATE TABLE `books` (
`accession_no` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`copies` varchar(10) not null,
`copyright_year` int(11) not null,
`date_received` varchar(20) not null,
`title` varchar(100) not null,
`author` varchar(100) not null,
`publisher_name` varchar(100) not null,
`place_publication` text not null,
`isbn_no` varchar(50) not null,
`subclass_1` varchar(50) not null,
`subclass_2` varchar(200) not null,
`subclass_3` varchar(50) not null,
`subclass_4` varchar(50) not null,
`remarks` text not null,
`status` varchar(50) not null,
`call_number` varchar(50) not null,
`section` varchar(30) not null,
PRIMARY KEY (`accession_no`)

INSERT INTO `books` (`accession_no`, `copies`, `copyright_year`, `date_received`, `title`, `author`, `publisher_name`, `place_publication`, `isbn_no`, `subclass_1`, `subclass_2`, `subclass_3`, `subclass_4`, `remarks`, `status`, `call_number`, `section`) VALUES
('1', '1', '1973', '7/13/1983', 'ABC\'s of Antennas', 'Lytel, Allan', 'Howard W. Sams', 'Indiana', '123123123', 'Electronics', 'sub21', 'sub31', 'sub41', 'in', 'L', 'TK-6565.A6-L11-1966', 'references'),
('2', '2', '1972', '7/13/1984', 'ABC\'s of Boolean Algebra', 'Waters, Farl J.', 'Howard W. Sams Co.', 'Indianapolis', '0-8273 -1155-10', 'Algebra', 'sub22', 'sub32', 'sub42', 'out', 'R', 'QA-10.3-L99-1972', 'filipiniana'),
('3', '3', '1978', '7/13/1985', 'ABC\'s of Electronics', 'Waters, Farl J.', 'Howard W. Sams', 'Indiana', '0-8273 -1155-11', 'Electronics', 'sub23', 'sub33', 'sub43', 'in', 'E', 'TK-7815-W3-1978', ''),
('4', '4', '1962', '7/13/1986', 'ABC\'s of Computer Programming', 'Lytel, Allan1', 'Taraporevala Sons and Co., Private ltd.', 'Bombay', '0-8273 -1155-121', 'Computer Programming1', 'sub24', 'sub34', 'sub44', 'out', 'R', 'QA-76-L98-19621', 'feasibility'),
('5', '5', '1965', '7/13/1987', 'ABC\'s of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers', 'Lytel, Allan', 'Taraporevala Sons and Co., Private ltd.', 'Bombay', '0-8273 -1155-13', 'Electronics', 'sub25', 'sub35', 'sub45', 'in', 'E', 'TK-2798-L98-1965', 'magazine'),
('6', '6', '1977', '7/13/1988', 'Aids to Psycholinguistic Teaching', 'Bush, Vilma Jo', 'Charles E. Merrill', 'Columbus', '0-8273 -1155-14', 'Psychology', 'sub26', 'sub36', 'sub46', 'out', 'E', 'P-31-138-1977', 'filipiniana'),
('7', '7', '1964', '7/13/1989', 'Aims in Education', 'Holleins, T H B ed.', 'University Place', 'Machester', '0-8273 -1155-15', 'English', 'sub27', 'sub37', 'sub47', 'in', 'E', 'L13-41-H72-1964', 'filipiniana'),
('8', '8', '1973', '7/13/1990', 'Air Conditioning Metal Lay out', 'Kaberlein, Joseph J.', 'Glencoe Publishing', 'Encino, California', '0-8273 -1155-16', 'Electronics', 'sub28', 'sub38', 'sub48', 'out', 'E', 'TS-250-K12-1973', 'feasibility'),
('9', '9', '1976', '7/13/1991', 'Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics, general handbook', 'US Department of Transportation', 'Aviation Maintenance', 'Aviation Maintenance', '0-8273 -1155-17', 'Electronics', 'sub29', 'sub39', 'sub49', 'in', 'E', 'TJ-164-A3-1976', 'feasibility'),
('10', '10', '1991', '7/13/1992', 'Alternating Current Fundamentals', 'Duff, John R.', 'Delmar Publisher Inc.', 'New York', '0-8273 -1155-18', 'Electronics', 'sub30', 'sub40', 'sub50', 'out', 'E', 'TK-1141-D8-1991', 'circulation'),
('11', '11', '1976', '7/13/1993', 'Air Pollution', 'Stern, Arthur Cecil', 'Academic Press', 'New York', '0-8273 -1155-19', 'Science', 'sub31', 'sub41', 'sub51', 'in', 'E', 'TD-883-S8-1976', 'circulation'),
('12', '12', '1978', '7/13/1994', 'Analog System for Microprocessors and Microcomputers', 'Gorrith, Patrick H.', 'Reston Publishing', 'Virginia', '0-8273 -1155-20', 'Computer Hardware', 'sub32', 'sub42', 'sub52', 'out', 'E', 'TS-158.6-G19-1978', 'circulation'),
('13', '13', '2000', '7/13/1995', 'Analytic Chemistry: An Introduction', 'Douglas, A', 'Books/Cole', 'Australia', '981-243-789-3', 'Chemistry', 'sub33', 'sub43', 'sub53', 'in', 'E', 'Cir.-QD-11.2-A5-2000', 'circulation'),
('14', '14', '2002', '7/13/1996', 'Analytic Geometry', 'Ebañez, Edwin D.', 'Mutya Pub. House', 'Valenzuela City', '971-821-036-9', 'Geometry', 'sub34', 'sub44', 'sub54', 'out', 'L', 'Fil-QA-551-I2-2002', 'circulation'),
('15', '15', '1997', '7/13/1997', 'An Approach to Literature', 'Romero, Perlita P.', 'Katha Pub. Co. Inc.', 'Quezon City', '971-514-076-5', 'Literature', 'sub35', 'sub45', 'sub55', 'in', 'R', 'Fil-PN-59-R6-1997', 'circulation'),
('16', '16', '1962', '7/13/1998', 'Analytical Chemistry of Polymers', 'Kline, Gordon M.', 'Interscience Publishers', 'New York', '0-8273 -1155-24', ' Chemistry', 'sub36', 'sub46', 'sub56', 'out', 'E', 'QD-139.P6-K68-1962', 'circulation'),
('17', '17', '1994', '7/13/1999', 'The ARRL UHF/ Microwave Projects', '', 'American Radio Relay League', 'USA', '087-259-449-1', 'Electronics', 'sub37', 'sub47', 'sub57', 'in', 'E', 'TK-9956-A7-1994', 'circulation'),
('18', '18', '1992', '7/13/2000', 'Audel Automated Machines and Tool Making', 'Miller, Rex et al.', 'Wiley Publishing Inc.', 'Indianapolis', '0-764-55528-6', 'Electronics', 'sub38', 'sub48', 'sub58', 'out', 'E', 'Cir.-TJ-213-M5-1992', 'circulation'),
('19', '19', '2004', '7/13/2001', 'Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume1: heating systems, furnaces and boilers', 'Brumbaugh, James E.', 'Wiley Publishing Inc.', 'Indianapolis, Indiana', '0-764-54206-0', 'Electronics', 'sub39', 'sub49', 'sub59', 'in', 'E', 'Cir.-TH-7227-B7-2004', 'circulation'),
('49', '', '123123', '2012-01-11 16:51:56', '1313', '1313', '231231', '23123123131', '31321', '123131', '123131', '', '', '', 'L', '123123123', 'references'),
('47', '', '111', '2012-01-11 01:03:01', '1', '11', '11', '111', '1111', '11', '1111', '', '', '', 'E', '111', 'references'),
('48', '', '3', '2012-01-11 16:51:23', '3123123', '232', '3', '23', '232', '32', '3', '', '', '', 'L', '232', 'references'),
('44', '', '0', '2011-12-06 09:09:50', 'Add Learning Resources', 'Add Learning Resources', 'Add Learning Resources', 'Add Learning Resources', '1233131', 'Add Learning Resources', 'Add Learning Resources, Add Learning Resources,Add Learning Resources,Add Learning Resources,Add Learning Resources', '', '', '', 'E', '1231313', 'magazine'),
('45', '', '0', '2011-12-06 09:10:37', 'Add Learning ', 'Add Learning ', 'Add Learning ', 'Add Learning ', 'Add Learning ', 'Add Learning ', 'Add Learning ', '', '', '', 'E', 'Add Learning ', 'filipiniana');

CREATE TABLE `config` (
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment,
`title` varchar(100) not null,
`sub_title` varchar(100) not null,
`copyright` varchar(70) not null,
`logo` varchar(100) not null,
`header_title` varchar(50) not null,
`address` varchar(100) not null,
`phoneNumber` varchar(100) not null,
`EmailAddress` varchar(100) not null,

INSERT INTO `config` (`id`, `title`, `sub_title`, `copyright`, `logo`, `header_title`, `address`, `phoneNumber`, `EmailAddress`) VALUES
('1', 'Online Public Access Catalog', 'This is demo site', '2012 OPAC. All Rights Reserved.', '', '', 'Captain Sabi St., Zone XII Talisay City, Negros Occidental', '496-952-9652', '');

In reply to by sql (not verified)

Thanks!! Great!! it runs perfect!! great work! it could be better managing the books for the user and the admin.. but it´s a good work ;)

It generate the error "Unknown database 'admin_opac'"........ any one, plz help me out......... Thanx.........

In reply to by Rajan Pandey (not verified)

You should name your database to 'admin_opac' the sql is located in /sql/admin_opac.sql if you don't know how to create privileges in localhost. replace this code located at /config/config.php.
  1.     define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
  2.     define('DB_USER', 'admin_opac');
  3.     define('DB_PASS', 'admin_opac');
  4.     define('DB_NAME', 'admin_opac');
  5.     $connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error());
  6.     mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error());
  1.     define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
  2.     define('DB_USER', 'root');
  3.     define('DB_PASS', '');
  4.     define('DB_NAME', 'admin_opac');
  5.     $connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error());
  6.     mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error());

everything is error.. help me..

why index.php do not work? include and diapo script don't work

Can you sent the complete and work code to my email ? ( need it badly to finish my thesis. tq.

Hello sir,
I'm doing my PG degree. I'm going to do a project in "Hospital patient billing system in PHP/MYSQL on my own. So I need your guideline sir. Can you send me some sample coding. I'm not too good in PHP. so help me sir...

I have edited some code and remove unnecessary functions and files.. the file size of the zip is now reduced to 4.2mb. follow the steps in readme.xml. @edy -> i have sent you the files and its working, i tried it myself. $Amala -> please PM me for your questions.

Hello all,I am new to this forum and I would like to ask that what are the benefits of sql training, what all topics should be covered and it is kinda bothering me ... and has anyone studies from this course of SQL tutorial online?? or tell me any other guidance... would really appreciate help... and Also i would like to thank for all the information you are providing on sql.

Awesome Program, Awesome Work, Working Proper… I am really happy to develop your designed program in my library, Easy programming, Clean coding, Working Properly… Thanks for such a great and excellent sharing’s… Thanks Max!

Dear Friend its working, everything is OK. if you have any problem regarding this program, just drop a email with your query on "" you will be getting fully support.

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