Submitted by
wilsonleong on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 02:13.
Normally the beginner will start with C programming because the C programming is quit easy for the beginner. Some of the beginner will start to coding the HTML code since the HTML code is not the programming language, just the markup languages. I recommend you begin with C programming because C languages is the fundamental of the programming languages for new beginner who don't know how to write the program. Once you know how to write C programming, I recommend you proceed either low level programming language like assembly language or object-oriented programming like Java or other programming languages. Depend on which programming language you are interesting or suitable for you to write an program. Once you master either low level programming language or object-oriented programming or other programming language. Congratulation, you are the programming expert. Keep studying and practicing what you are studied just now. Because once you keep studying and practicing, you can apply the theory and knowledge that you learned. Try do not take long break, just take short break. Once you taking long break, you will forgot everything you had learned.
Please kindly share your knowledge if you have any knowledge or idea about this topic or please comment if any poor explanation explained by me since limitation of idea and knowledge that I have.