AMD Released the Latest Version of x86 Open64 Compiler Suite (v.4.5.2)

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) has released the latest version of its x86 Open64 Compiler Suite, which extends support to Piledriver and includes a 64-bit build. The compiler is not just AMD specific, the x86 Open 64 Compiler is a collaboration works by some commercial companies, universities and research institutes. The compiler technology supports both the current and future x86 platforms and can

Google Apps Developer Challenge Submission Due August 24, 2012

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The first round of submission for the Google Apps Developer Challenge will end this coming August 24, 2012. The challenge started last June 5 and the semi-finalist will be announced on September 15. On October 25, 2012, semi-finalist will re-submit the updated versions of their apps and the announcement of winners will be held on November 12, 2012. The Google Apps Developer Challenge 2012, is open

Java Web Scraper

Submitted by raffyapurillo on
This is a web scraper a customized web scraper for How to Use: Paste the search URL ie. Site: ..and Click "Get URLs" It will get all the links of the results and go to next page up the nth page specified on the "Pages". ..then Click

jQuery 1.8 Released from jQuery's CDN

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The final code of the jQuery 1.8 was finally released through jQuery CDN. After the released of several betas that was tested by numerous users, the final product of jQuery 1.8 is finally here and there's no reason for you to wait. Here's the jQuery 1.8 Final Code from jQuery CDN: jQuery 1.8 (compressed and minified, for production) jQuery 1.8 (uncompressed, for debugging) The jQuery 1.8 beta

Source Code Management: Free Cloud Resources for Application Developer

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
There are plenty of free cloud services for application developers. Developers need tools so that they can focus on the things they do best, improve their coding skills. As a programmer who have been in the business for the past years, we will going to share some of the free cloud resources that we used in maintaining our applications and sourcecode. As a good developer doesn’t meant that you’re