Garbage Collection Management System In Free Source Code Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by sadat on
Garbage Collection Management System This is a PHP Project entitled Garbage Collection Management System. This system manages the records and client payment of a Garbage Collector Company/Business. The system has 2 types of users which are the Administrator and the Collector. The system can help a certain company or business to manage garbage collection in smart cities. This project generates also

Food Billing System Project in Python Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Project Title: Food Billing System About Food Billing System with Source Code is a Python program that can compute the total bill of a customer digitally. The purpose of the system is to compute and transact the exact amount as the customer pays for their ordered food. This program was built using only Python language. The project is a simple GUI application that uses the Tkinter module in order

Voice Aided ATM System in VB.NET Free Source Code

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
Introduction This a Voice Aided ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) System in VB.NET and MS Access Database. This system simulates an automated teller machine with a voice-aided feature for the blind customers of a bank. The system will help the blind person with their transaction with a voice-aided guide for each action he/she will make. About the Project The system was developed using VB.NET and MS

Online Voting System using PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by jkev on
Introduction of Online Voting System This is a PHP Project is entitled Online Voting System. This was developed specifically for a Secondary Level/High School of CHMSC. The system handles the voting process of the school and this provides an online platform for the student to vote for their desired candidates. About the System The Online Voting System source code is written/built using PHP, MySQL

Simple Mine Remover Game using JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Mine Remover Game using JavaScript with Source Code Simple Mine Remover Game with Source Code is a project that is a single-player game where your to successfully remove the mine. The game design is simple it only contains text and sprites. The benefit of the project is to have past time and enjoyable moment. About the System The Simple Mine Remover Game was created in a HTML web browser

Simple Dodge Ball Game using Python with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Dodge Ball Game using Python with Source Code Simple Dodge Ball Game with Source Code is a single-player game where your objective is to dodge the balls and get the blinking object. You just need to careful and avoid getting hit by ball. The purpose of the system is have some enjoyable moment. About the Project The Simple Dodge Ball Game was built using Python module where it consist of

Online Pre Enrollment and Grade Inquiry System in PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by argie on
Introduction This system is an Online Pre Enrollment and Grade inquiry Using PHP/MySQL Database. This system manages the pre-enrollment process of a certain school online. The system has 4 types of users which are the Admin, Teacher, Cashier, and Student. Each of the said user types has different features. About the System This system was originally written in PHP/MySQL older version and now

Library Management System using C with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Library Management System using C with Source Code The Library Management System with Source Code is a project that can manage the books that you record. The system can help you organize a library details by entering the information such as Book Id Name, Price, etc. The purpose of the system is to help and maintain the managing of a Library information. About the System The Library Management

Ping Pong Game using JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Ping Pong Game using JavaScript with Source Code Ping Pong Game with Source Code is a project that is a single-player game where your goal is to hit the ball and defeat your opponent. The game design is simple it only ball and paddle objects. The benefit of the project is to have a very fun environment with your friends, classmate, etc. About the System The Ping Pong Game was created in a HTML web

Simple Math Quiz using HTML/JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Math Quiz using HTML/JavaScript with Source Code Simple Math Quiz with Source Code is a project that give you math trainer to enhance your number comprehension. The application was made to help you answer any math problems with ease. The purpose of the project is to help you study and taught you how to solve a math problems. About the System The Simple Math Quiz was built in a HTML web