MBBS Media Player

Submitted by MBB on
> FIRST DOWNLOAD THE MBBS media player > Then extract files in zip file > After extract open the vbp project file > Then run the project (Shortcut Key : F5) > Click on the Add file button > After click one box is opened > Open your Video / Audio File and click open. > Your file will tagged on the list box. > Then you Double click on the Item in the list box. > Your song will play.

Daily Schedule System

Submitted by Tegaton on
Built by Tegaton with VB.Net 2010. (View ReadMe) This software helps you to store schedule ahead of time and gives you the alert @ the correct time. I made it myself (No Spy, No supervision, No borrowed code, no borrowed thinking)...Lol. You can edit the code to suit your choice. I fyou make any profit from it, give me my share...hahhaaaa enjoy..!!!

Oracle Released MySQL 5.6

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading developer's company, Oracle, has released the General Availability (GA) version of MySQL 5.6, together with the version 5.2.46 of the MySQL Workbench GUI tool. One of the most significant and main changes to MySQL 5.6 are the addition of NoSQL access to the InnoDB database engine and faster sub-queries. The newest version of MySQL 5.6 sub-queries are now optimized using semi

Item Delivery System

Submitted by unique1234 on
This application is written by C#. I used Microsoft Access as my database. This application is developed for person that E-Buy items sell locally. I used two layers. One for Database accessing other for presentation things. I have used Metro like interface for Main Window.And used Chart for analysing purposes. *** Copy the Sales.accdb to your D: root folder or you can edit the connection string