Microsoft Kinect Code Not Open Source Just Provide Samples

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Contrary to the recent news posted by BBC with the headline "Microsoft shares source code for Kinect gadget," this isn't the case, Microsoft has open sourced SOME samples that use the Kinect, not open sourcing all the codes. According to the news item, "Before now anyone wanting to use the Kinect had to work via an official software toolkit that hid the underlying code." There's a little bit of

Solution to IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005) Error

Submitted by admin on
If you encounter this error while running your application using either VB.NET or C#, this is most likely a problem with a reserved word in MS Access database. As you can see in the screenshot below, I have two reserve words used in my query. That is "name" and "section" field. If you have noticed, the "section" field is not enclosed with a bracket, ending up throwing an "IErrorInfo.GetDescription

Online Tax Mapping Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by lea on
This is a tax mapping system programmed using PHP/MySQL. I write this code to help other programmer who found difficulty on creating their own tax mapping system. The feature of this system are the following: - secure login - image map using area tag - popup map details - add/manage land owners details - live search for landowner details - auto calculated tax per parcel of land If you want to view

2013 Best Programming & Learning How to Code Websites

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
There are thousands if not millions of programming websites that teaches students and programmer in learning how to code but only few of them have really established themselves as an authority. We have listed some of the most popular programming websites and sites that teaches programming that will surely helps us in one way or another, in our journey especially in enhancing our talents as

Google I/O Registration Open on March 13, 2013 FAQ's & Details

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The Google I/O (Input/Output) or more popularly known as Google's annual developer conference will be held this coming May 15-17, 2013 but the registration will open this March 13, 2013. The annual developer conference will feature technical in-depth sessions alongside the latest Google's products teams and partners respective presentations. The conference will be at the Moscone Center in San

Zora Ball: World's Youngest Game Programmer at 7-Years-Old

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Programming is considered by many as one of the hardest task in any computer-related course but a pint-sized programming wizard Zora Ball made an astonishing achievement by creating a full version of a mobile application video game. The 7-year-old first grader, Zora Ball from Philadelphia's Harambee Institute of Science and Technology Charter School accomplished a task that anyone are afraid of