Welcome Screen

Submitted by deepak.gupta150 on
Welcome Screen – A simple application in VB.NET that changes the background color of a form based on the user choice. Colors provided to the user are red, blue, green and yellow. The user simply clicks the button (color name mentioned on the button) and the background color of the form gets changed. The application also generates a message stating the color scheme chosen by the user when the user

PostgreSQL Released Security Updates Against High-Risk Vulnerability

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Major updates were released by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group to its developers in order to address several vulnerabilities, including a high-risk one that could allow attackers to crash the server, modify configurations variable as superuser or execute arbitrary code if certain conditions are met. The popular open-source database system, PostgreSQL, released the update on Thursday, April

Siper ni Juan : A Classic Encryption Program

Submitted by muthym on
This is a classic implementation of ROT13, Caesar Cipher and Polybius Square (SNJ version w/ 8x8 grid) to encrypt/decrypt text files. Hope you enjoy :) Links: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rot13 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polybius_square * http://aralinpilipinas.wordpress.com

Google's 10th Code Jam Announced

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Google announced the opening of Google Code Jam 2013, the challenged which involves professionals and student programmers around the world to solve tough algorithmic puzzles using the programming language and development environment of their choice. Google however, asked participants that the compiler or interpreter is freely available. You can't used paid-for tools. The contest will be

Simulating a Talking ATM system

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
This is a talking Atm system I developed for a friend as a final year research project . this system is design for a blind customer of a bank. This system has all the features of a real ATM with additional features of a voice assistant. FEATURES OF OUR SYSTEM 1. Has a splash screen or welcome screen like the real ATM. 2. Has a login screen like the real ATM. 3. Will offer you options to withdraw