New Editor Features of Visual Studio 2013

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 introduced new features that programmers needed to boost their productivity and save time working inside the Editor. Some of the features are new while some are the most popular extensions from Productivity Power Tools. The primary focus for the Editor in this version is to keep the developer in context as much as possible. According to Microsoft the changes they made

Online Salon System

Submitted by vusinc on
Smart-Saloon is an e-based system in the management and provision of salon services designed to offer a flexible approach to this somewhat complex and sensitive business. The system is to enumerate the virtual entities (employee/partners, clients and the employer/owner) which have formed a synergy that has created a new breed in salon business by working together on a delicate platform. Smart

E-Voting Source Code Published by Estonia on GitHub

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The European country of Estonia, the creator of the world's first nationwide Internet-based voting system, released its source code to the public through GitHub, the world's largest open source code repository. The Estonian government posted the source code of their E-Voting System or the Internet Voting System to silenced the critics of the program. According to Tarvi Martins, chairman of Estonia

Transaction Monitoring System

Submitted by oklaham070611 on
This is a complete machine transaction monitoring system (particularly in packaging production). Machine transaction must be a database to assure that all are documented (like : time , output and number of jobs). Features: - system login - splash screen - Report - Auto send to email(create outlook) - Sent to file Directory - Convert to some format (http,txt ,rich) - etc ... Username : Admin

Top 10 Programming Quotes of All Time

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
According to Wikipedia's description of Computer programming (often shortened to programming) "is the comprehensive process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable programs." Programming involves activities such as analysis, understanding, solving problems, testing, debugging and maintaining the source codes. Various programmers have also their own inspirations

How Did Angie Chang Learned to Code (Interview)

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Angie Chang is one of the popular tech innovator and a certified programmers who co-founded Women 2.0, an organization committed to increasing the number of women entrepreneurs starting high growth ventures by providing resources, network, and knowledge for the launch and growth of their company. She currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for Women 2.0 and in January 2008, she began organizing Bay

Android Services

Submitted by lazlosoftwares… on
A service is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations without needing to interact with the user. For example, a service might play music in the background while the user is in a different application, or it might fetch data over the network without blocking user interaction with an activity

UK to Teach Programming Starting at 5-Years-Old

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The United Kingdom Department of Education will introduced a radical change in their education system, as it plans to teach "rigorous computer science" to all children from age 5 to 14 years old. According to UK's education minister who was quoted saying exactly the same words uttered by the Chairman of Google about his view in the current education system of the country. He stated, "As the

Jigzaw Puzzle

Submitted by Oelasor on
This is jigzaw puzzle developed using the client-side scripting language Javascript. HTML5 Canvas elements are used to create the jigzaw pieces on the fly. Basically, the mini-project demonstrates the capability of the HTML5 specification to render 2-dimensional graphics using the Canvas element through the use of Javascript.

Hotel Reservation System Now on GitHub

Submitted by admin on
One of the most downloaded projects here called “Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET)” is now on GitHub. We decided to post this on GitHub so other programmers who are willing to modify the system can collaborate easily using version control of GitHub. I know that some of you are willing to improve this project. So, just follow it at GitHub repository link at Hotel Reservation System. We would like