Online Bus Booking System

Submitted by Ronald Ngoda on
This is an online bus ticket/booking system. With this system bus company owners can easily manage the bookings/reservations for seats in their buses. Company owners can manage bus routes, bus availability and list all the buses and seats. With this system customers cannot book for seats that have already been booked. Customers can not also create double reservation. For example if a customer has

House Rental Management System

Submitted by Ronald Ngoda on
This an absolutely fantastic rental management system for house owners.It is suitable for any kind of houses for rent.Landlords will no longer have a cumbersome time searching through voluminous book records trying to update their tenants details but instead are presented with an intuitive management dashboard that gives them an insight about their tenants and houses. with this system you can

Upturn Hospital Management System

Submitted by mayuri_k on
The project Hospital Management system includes registration of patients, storing their details into the system, and also computerized billing in the pharmacy, and labs. The software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a search facility to know the current status of each room. User can search

Assign a New Search Box for Table Outside of DataTable

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a new search box for table using datatable. By default, the search box in datatable plugin is located in the upper right corner of the table. To design this search box, there are several ways on how to do this. One of this ways is to create a new search box and assign it to our data tabled table.