Simple Book Management System using C with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Book Management System using C with Source Code The Simple Book Management System with Source Code is a project that allow you to manage a Book. The system can manage your book detail such as Author Name, Book Title, etc. The purpose of the system is to help and efficiently organize the book detail. About the System The Simple Book Management System was built in a simple console application

Simple Social Network (Twitter-like) using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Oluseye Richar… on
This is a Simple Social Network PHP/MySQL Project. This project is a Twitter-like responsive Web app that can help other programmers to understand Especially those who are beginners hot to create a social network web application such as the famous Twitter App. This system allows users to register an account, post a tweet, and search other users. For those who are planning or student that has a

Online School Fees System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Lewa on
This is a simple PHP/MySQL Project entitled Online School Fees System. This web application can help certain schools to manage their students' fees/payments. The system is not only managing a one-time payment, this web application calculates the existing balance of the student which means the system stores every payment to a fee of the student until it is totally paid. The system also allows multi

Native Church Website in PHP/MySQL with Source Code

Submitted by Torrahclef on
This is a PHP/MySQL Content Management System Project entitled Native Church Website. This project will help you launch a website for your local church with no hassle. It's a free project I did at my leisure but I think it may be useful to someone. The system has many features which are commonly used or contained in a website such as the organization/business information, articles/content, and

Simple Online Piggery (Farm) Management System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Lewa on
This simple project is entitled Simple Online Piggery Management System. This system manages the piggery farm's records. The web application was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. The simple system contains CRUD Operation in each list in the database. The system stores the list of pig breeds and details. It also has a feature that can record the pigs of the farm under quarantine and these

Simple and Intelligent Standard Calculator Using HTML

Submitted by sminuwa on
This is a Simple Web App called Simple and Intelligent Standard Calculator. This HTML source code was developed using HTML, CSS, and Javascript (jQuery). I know that everyone knows how the calculator works and I'll just explain the other features of this simple HTML Project. The calculator app is able to save the calculation history and this feature uses the web browser's local storage which is

CRUD Operation using PHP/MySQLi with DataTable and TCPDF Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial source code will teach how to CRUD(create, read, update, delete) using the two MySQLi Extensions which are OOP and Procedural. Also included, the data table library which is an extension that uses jquery to beautify and add functionality to HTML Table. Lastly, included is a PDF Generator using the TCPDF library.

File Upload with an Expiring and SEO Friendly Download Link in PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Mr.Niemand03 on
This simple project/web app is a File Upload with an Expiring and SEO Friendly Download Link. This code is just a simple implementation of encrypting true links to protect them from direct downloaders. In this way, you can ensure that the users visit your website first before getting the file they want. The web application has a simple form that allows the user to upload a file or document in the

RPS Game(Rock, Paper, Scissor) using JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
RPS Game(Rock, Paper, Scissor) using JavaScript with Source Code RPS Game(Rock, Paper, Scissor) with Source Code is a project that is a single-player game where your goal is to guess what opponent moves and win over them. The game design is simple it only contain images and buttons. The purpose of the project is to entertain and enjoy the moment with your friends. About the System The RPS Game

Student Project Allocation and Management System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Lewa on
This project is entitled Student Project Allocation and Management System. This system allocates the project to the students in a school. The system stores the list of projects, students, and system users. The source code is easy to understand which would be a lot easier for the newbies to learn with. The system uses CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) Operations which is the common operation