Siper ni Juan : A Classic Encryption Program

Submitted by muthym on
This is a classic implementation of ROT13, Caesar Cipher and Polybius Square (SNJ version w/ 8x8 grid) to encrypt/decrypt text files. Hope you enjoy :) Links: * * * *

Google's 10th Code Jam Announced

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Google announced the opening of Google Code Jam 2013, the challenged which involves professionals and student programmers around the world to solve tough algorithmic puzzles using the programming language and development environment of their choice. Google however, asked participants that the compiler or interpreter is freely available. You can't used paid-for tools. The contest will be

Simulating a Talking ATM system

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
This is a talking Atm system I developed for a friend as a final year research project . this system is design for a blind customer of a bank. This system has all the features of a real ATM with additional features of a voice assistant. FEATURES OF OUR SYSTEM 1. Has a splash screen or welcome screen like the real ATM. 2. Has a login screen like the real ATM. 3. Will offer you options to withdraw

Ordering System

Submitted by jkev on
In this system, you will be able to add products, upload product image, add user and make order transaction. I am using PayPal as a payment gateway. The main feature of this system is the shopping cart. You will also see which product has the highest and lowest quantity using a graph. Additionally, it has a nice user interface. To go to the Admin Page just Add “/admin” in your Url. Admin: Username

Chrome DevTools Training Course at Code School For Free

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's largest search engine company, Google has already teamed up with the fastest-growing online programming site, Code School to produce a training course that covers the developer tools available in Chrome for developing and debugging web apps. The developer tools from Chrome are based on the WebKit inspector which gives developers deeper access into the internals of the browser and their

Viewing of Services + Tax Calculator

Submitted by Jigs on
This application is made using HTML, PHP, and a little bit on javascript. This simple application is capable only for viewing of records from the database and tax calculation. Note:The calculation of tax is based on an interview gathered on a specific place. The infos was given by a reliable source on that area. If there is wrong in the calculation feel free to comment and suggest. There is also

Delphi + Firebird

Submitted by Jigs on
This is my simple Delphi project using Firebird server and FlameRobin as a tool. It is a monitoring type of application that has the capabilities of adding, updating/modifying, deleting records, and generating reports. Hope this simple program will help you. Feel free to comment and suggest for better improvement.